Ok so some explanation as to why I may have had this dream:
I am gay aro/ace. I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction to anyone, but for whatever reason I am still attracted to girls somehow. I've also heard it called Greyaro or Greyace or something like that. Idk I'm still relatively new to figuring myself out.
That being said, I'm still very freaking gay. And for whatever reason, when it comes to things in media, I tend to "fall" for villains. Lady villains specifically. Idk why, I honestly wish I knew!
Anyways onto the dream.
In the world of Hello Puppets, it took place in the warehouse/soundstage, but it was different. Higher ceilings, bigger rooms, more lights, the whole structure of the place reminded me of a multi-roomed Costco, and more puppets inhabited the place. Some on hosts, some not. Most weren't explicitly hostile, but if Mortimer or Riley was looking for someone most would either help or stand by and not do anything. I feel like this place was a place that we(as the player character) simply didn't encounter in the game, and that the places we DID encounter still existed but in other parts of the building.
Also I was semi-lucid in the dream.
Anyways, I had been captured and they tried to make me into a host but failed like how the spell failed with the player character in the game. I don't remember if I had a puppet on my arm, I honestly don't remember what my left arm looked like in the dream. I think I may have had one though, it'd make sense for that to be the case, but they weren't alive, I'd have remembered them if they were. I had shape-shifting capabilities, and shape-shifted my hand to be claws, and I got the rope around my neck off and cut through the stitches in my mouth, although I kept the bag on to disguise myself.
I don't remember much of the dream in between that and this next part, but after a while I encountered Riley, but she wasn't hostile. She was, dare I say, charming. And also very gay. I let myself be pulled into a dance and even asked her(I managed to get close enough to her to ask quietly enough others wouldn't hear a Host talking) if we could go to a more private place, one secluded from the other puppets, cameras, and Mortimer.
She lead me to this big empty walk-in closet, where I then took the bag off my head and started talking to her. I don't remember much of the conversation, but I remember at one point I asked if she knew what her host's name was, or even if she knew they had had one at some point. I don't remember her answer.
After a while I convinced(or seduced, I don't quite remember) her to help me escape and leave with me. So we managed to leave and Riley even left her host behind because they couldn't fit through a hole on the way out but I could. I think she was on one of my arms for a time. When we got out, I tricked her. I used some rope, tied her up, gagged her with my hood, used my host shirt to further secure her, and locked her in one of those tough reinforced plastic suitcases. I know I said some kinda cool one-liner just before I locked her in but for the life of me I can't remember what I said!!!
I remember I sent the suitcase through some shipping company so it'd show up at my house and then I woke up. If a large-ish package actually DOES show up within the next couple of weeks I'm gonna FREAK