The court yard was empty except for him and Princess Burn. She pinned him to the ground again. "Wow!" He remarked. "Your getting better and better at this day by day!"
She grinned and they trotted over to the pile of food that lay at the edge of the courtyard. Even though she was only six and he was two years older she could still beat him in a battle. "When I grow up I'll be Queen of the sandwings!" She bellowed.
This comment hurt him. Of course Burn would be an amazing Queen he still loved the current ruler of the sandwings. Queen Oasis. She was a fair ruler. Well I hope you don't murder our Queen someday. She saw the injured look in his eyes and she said-"I don't want to kill her but I might have to" she said. Burn found it hard to relate to any dragon. Sand tail was her only friend.
Suddenly a smaller pretty sandwing with a small cape came bursting into the courtyard. She wore emerald encrusted armbands and bejewelled necklaces. "Hi bossy sister!" Princess blaze said in a high pitched voice. "Oh shut up worm!" Burn roared across the empty space.
Sandtail didn't care that she bullied Blaze she totally deserved it. She was fashion obsessed. Always looking into a mirror or asking which was the most gorgeous bracelet.
Blaze wore an injured look. "We're sisters even if you aren't as awesome and pretty as I am. But we have to get along!"
Burn snorted a laugh. We can go back to training and Blaze will be gone. He took a step forward to stand beside Burn. But he had accidentally stepped on one of Blaze's talons. Her high pitched yelp filled the air. "Sorry!" He said as she clutched her talon. "I didn't mean it" She muttered through her claws. "It's-its f-f-f-fine" Guards rushed out into the courtyard. "What happened here?" Demanding voices asked. "Is she ok?" Healers came to the little dragonets aid.
"Isn't it obvious?" A voice said. Everyone turned to look at Blister. She had a evil glint in her eyes. Blister had always hated Sandtail. Partly because he always helped Burn and none of the other sisters. "He obviously attacked Blaze" Blister said.
Murmurs went round. No! I would never attempt to kill any of the princesses! Blaze suddenly piped up. "That's n-" But Blister spoke over her. "Well?" She said expectantly. "What are you waiting for? Capture him!"
The words shot into his ear. What? This can't be happening. "Get away from him!" Snarled Burn. The soldiers look weary of Burn. "Poor Burn. You really didn't see what he did do you dear?" She said in her sinister voice. "Stop trusting him. He's bad! He tried to kill your sister!"
This made the guards run at him again. Burn raked her talons across there scales and she stabbed her tail barb into one guards leg. "Fly"She hissed at him. Sandtail ripped out a small black jewel on his wing and gave it to her. "I'll always be your friend" he said before taking off.
He spread his wings and took off into the clear morning sky. Sadness writhed through him. No more stronghold. No more Burn. No more Queen Oasis. He would now be a known traitor who tried to kill Princess Blaze.

Wings of fire A story of the sands
FanfictionA short story of a outcast called Sand tail who meets another dragon who is a nightwing. She lives on the Nightwing island but cant bring him back or she would be executed and he would suffer a awful death. Once a Nightwing called Morrowseer finds...