They woke to a roar. It was Morrowseer. "Starburst!" Sandtail yelped coming to his senses. "We need to go!" She lifted herself up drowsily. "Whaaa-wait what?" She said. "We've got to go!" He repeated. "I think we got spotted by a patrol or something!" They peaked out side Morrowseer was waiting impatiently.
"What are we going to do?" Sandtail asked. Starburst said. "I have an idea wait here" she walked out the hole.
What is she doing he will kill her! Just wait like she said. But I will fight him.
"Hey Morrowseer" she shivered. "What are you doing away from the fortress tell me?" "Sorry I just went exploring" He grinned. "So there is no other dragonet in there?"
He knows! Oh no we need to get to possibility now!
"N-n-no!" She stammered. There was no point hiding it he already knew.
"So there was" Morrowseer grinned as Sandtail walked out of the cave. "Now if I kill him nobody will ever know this happened and you can go back to your Nightwing life" "No" she yelped jumping in the way. "Do that and I'll tell all of Pyrrhia that nightwings actually don't have powers!"
His face turned hard. "Then I guess you'll both have to die" he turned to claw him.
Ok this is the one time you have to remember battle training. He swerved out of the way. Starburst was clamping her jaws hard down on his tail. He let out a roar. He swung his tail sideways sending Starburst flying. "Starburst!" Sandtail yelped. But he didn't have time to go over to her. Sandtail raked his underbelly and aimed for his neck.
He missed as a claw sliced across his stomach. He yowled in pain and collapsed. Morrowseer was now coming to strike. He didn't want to die this way. Just as Morrowseer was coming down on him he arched his tail upward into Morrowseer.
This is our chance to escape!
He ran over to Starburst clutching his wound. If they could get to possibility they would make it. Once starburst was up they took off. Nightwing and Sandwing. They smiled at each other. "We're going to spend the rest of our lives together" Starburst said. "And if we die at least we'll do it together"

Wings of fire A story of the sands
FanfictionA short story of a outcast called Sand tail who meets another dragon who is a nightwing. She lives on the Nightwing island but cant bring him back or she would be executed and he would suffer a awful death. Once a Nightwing called Morrowseer finds...