Chapter one

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Smoke and fire
Chapter one: Jax of hearts

Smoke and fire Chapter one: Jax of hearts

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MALACHI MILLER DID NOT BELIEVE IN GOD. He didn't think he ever could. Maybe it was the fact that when he was a Riley, they had tried to drill into his mind-stuff about the Bible. And drill into his brain how boys liking boys was wrong. Or maybe it was just, if God was real, then why would he give Kai just a terrible life for just the very beginning of it?

Now, the treatment that he had endorsed had many effects on him. He had no longer trusted people. He had very limited people that he trust, he hadn't even trusted the Miller parents and T3 yet. Then again, no one really trusted the T3.

Although, he preferred to have kept it a secret. But, as the T3 heard of what the boy had gone through, there was a rule they made. Never prank Malachi. At first, the Miller parents had been surprised.

But, that didn't stop Malachi's fear. He had feared many things. He feared that the Riley parents would come back. He feared that one day, one of the Miller's would realize the mistake they made, and give him up for adoption. He feared, that one day, he would again be treated the way he had been treated before. He had feared that the Millers would hate if he came out to them.

But, they hadn't. Treated him just the same. If anything they had gotten even more protective. According to the sister Miller 'boys sucked and hurt feelings for no reason'. Which had the boy thinking: who hurt her?

And because of this, Daniel had told his brother to stay by him. At all times. And Malachi did so. Even when the boy walked up to Emma Alonso, a nice girl but to cheery for him. And Andi Cruz, a girl who liked more 'guy' things then Kai did. Although he didn't know why people had said 'she just likes guy things' as it wasn't just for guys. Which, when he spoke to Daniel about that, the older boy told the purple striped hair girl, who immediately said she liked the boy.

Once getting to the two, Malachi spared the two a glance, before his eyes darted back to his book. A book he had liked. Daniel had gotten for him, the book had quickly become his favorite. The book was entitled 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'. He had many books, the Riley's having never gotten him anything. And Daniel had gotten him a new book at the end or beginning of the month. Or sometimes, when he felt the boy just needed something new.

SMOKE AND FIRE  ♠︎Jax Novoa ♣︎ Where stories live. Discover now