Healing scars

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The ambulance took Keith many people recording knowing who's Mercedes it was, shocked to see Keith being strapped to a ambulance wheel chair and taken to an emergency room.

~Lances P.O.V~

Pidge:'Lance what happened to Keith!'

Lance:'I'll explain later we're heading to the hospital.'

Hunk:'Is he okay?'

Lance:'I think so..'

Pidge:'What did he do?'


Hunk:'Lance your scaring me man.'

Lance:'All I'll say is he hurt himself badly...'


No response

Pidge:'Lance what did he do?'

Hunk:'Pidge let's just go hospital.'

Why I didn't tell her back, because it would be awkward... I mean not in a harsh way but... I can't help but feel it's our fault.  We done this to him... Adam saw me crying in the back.

Adam said,"I know you feel terrible.."

I nodded bowing my head crying more I sobbed,"If only.. I'm.."

Adam sighed,"It's not your fault... it's all of our faults and Keith's past this isn't the first time he's tried... he self harms... he doubts himself... had anxiety and more.... he also has trust issues and all of that collapses on him.."

I raised my head and asked still crying,"Do you think he'll forgive me?"

Adam responded,"It'll take time... and a lot of healing... but he'll come around he's never had a choice and he trusts you... that trust has been damaged but he'll come around."

It gave me a bit of hope, I was also a bit frightened of Shiro... he knew it was sort of our fault... but everything on Twitter wasn't us it was James and the rest of them.

I questioned,"Do you think Shiro will murder me?"

Adam smirked,"No, but he'll feel anger."

I scoff and say,"What makes you so sure?"

Adam smiled,"He'll see how much Keith needs you."

I was shocked to here that I softly smile but it quickly fades when I see we arrived at the hospital.

(A/N: I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go because yeah literally now I'm just typing what's coming to my head! Hope you enjoy!)

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