Chapter 10

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LaMelo😁😂 I feel like you're in denial!

LaMelo😁😂 you like me..

LaMelo😁😂 you know it's true Daya...


LaMelo😁😂 it's the truth!

I don't know what you're talking about!

LaMelo😁😂 you think I can't see you staring at me in class?

LaMelo😁😂 or how flustered you get around me?

I don't stare at you in class!

LaMelo😁😂 we're tellin lies now?


I have a boyfriend. You sound so stupid

LaMelo😁😂 you know your boyfriend is talkin to his ex girlfriend?

I look at my phone in shock.

What does he mean? They're just friends....

LaMelo😁😂 I take your silence as a no...

He isn't talking to his ex

They're just friends...

LaMelo😁😂 this photo says otherwise....


LaMelo😁😂 Look, Daya! I don't want you getting hurt by him

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LaMelo😁😂 Look, Daya! I don't want you getting hurt by him... I know it hurts to find out this way, but the sooner you know the better.

LaMelo😁😂 Daya???

I place my phone down and I sit on my bed.

I honestly don't know if I'm mad or fucking sad.

Despite not knowing how to feel, a tear still makes it's way down my cheek.

My hands turn into fist and I cry silently to myself.

After a few minutes of bawling my eyes out, I wipe my tears and pick up my phone.

I go to my contacts and I click on the name Daddy 😍.

Hey Jose

There is a few minutes that pass by before Jose answers me.

Daddy 😍 Hey baby, what's up?

I type 'I know that you've been seeing Vanessa behind my back' and I hover my finger over the send button debating on whether or not I should send it.

I delete the message and then I type another one.

'Do you think you could come over? We need to talk.' I type.

I can feel my heartbeat increase before I hit send on the message.

Do you think you could come over here? We need to talk.

Before Jose has a chance to respond, I change his contact name.

Jose I can ask my parents. Hold on

I go back to LaMelo's me and LaMelo's Snapchat chats and I start typing.

I don't hit send on the message because once again, I'm unsure of what I want to say.

I delete the message and I just leave him on read.

Jose I'm omw.

I get out of bed and I walk to my bathroom.

My eyes are all red and puffy and there are dried up tear stains on my face.

Opening the medicine cabinet, I grab some eye drops and I put a few drops in my eyes.

I grab my brush and I brush my hair.

My hair still looks messy so just put it in a messy bun.

It actually looks cute so I take a quick picture on Snapchat and I send it to LaMelo.

LaMelo😁😂 you look fine

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LaMelo😁😂 you look fine. I'm kinda worried. Are you okay?

I'm chillin

LaMelo😁😂 uhhh I doubt that but okay.

I hear my doorbell ring and I run to my front door.

I look through the peephole and I see Jose standing there.

I take a deep breathe and I open the door.

Jose smiles at me and I just stare at him.

"Uh, did I do something?" Jose asked while nervously rubbing his neck.

"You did something alright," I state while stepping outside onto my porch and closing the door behind me.

I cross my arms and I look up at Jose.


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