Chapter 14

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After class, me and Tracy walk together.

"So, you and Jose having issues or something?" Tracy asked as we walk around the halls.

"We uh, we broke up." I reply while shoving my hands in my pockets.

"You what?! Why?" Tracy yells.

"Because he is a cheater," I shrug as I continue walking.

"That dumb idiot," Tracy says as she shakes her head slowly. "I'm sorry girl,"

"Yeah, yeah, it's okay..." I trail off.

I look around the halls and I immediately regret it.

I see Jose and Vanessa walking the halls together.

They look happy together.

"Hey, maybe y'all just wasn't meant to be...maybe your soulmate is right in front of you!" Tracy says as she shoves my shoulder. "Now, I've gotta go get a bag of Cheetos! Do you want some?"

"No, no I'm okay.."

"Cheer up pal!" Tracy says as she pulls a dollar out of her bra. "Go talk to that cute boy in front of you!"

I look up and I see LaMelo walking up to us.

"You're crazy," I giggle as LaMelo gets closer to us.

"You know it!" Tracy says as she throws up a piece sign walking towards a kid with a black duffel bag full of chips.

"Daya, my friend! Isn't it a beautiful day out?" LaMelo states as he places an arm around me.

"It's just a normal day," I reply.

"Nah, it's more beautiful because I'm spending part of it with a beautiful lady," LaMelo looks down at me with a wink. "Fix your face, be happy!"

I let out a ugly laugh causing LaMelo to chuckle.

"Shut up, stupid!"


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