Chapter 4

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It had been a week since the attack on you, Ivy and Harley but you managed to find a place while laying low. "Harley listen we are going to get supplies nothing more" you told her as the pair of you walk into the shop.

As the pair of you shopped you keep looking around to make sure no one was following. "Harley head back to the car while I pay for the supplies" you asked her before watching her leave and you grab the last items you need before going to pay.

You grab everything you paid for and walk out and head towards the car you told Harley to go to but she was not there before you drop the bags and begin looking. "HARLEY" you shout before seeing her being dragged away until you ran after them.

"Hey get your hands off her" you say before Harley slips her mouth free. "[Fn] behind you" Harley warned before you feel a slash at your back and soon fall to the ground while blood pours from your wound.

"I gotta say you sure ain't as tough as they made you out to be what a waste" the guy said as he wiped the blood off his sword and looks at Harley a sick smile. "Well miss looks like your going to need to satisfy the rest my time" the guy said as he goes to reach for Harley's breast and soon rips her top open exposing her bra before a tear falls from her face.

The guy was about to reach for her bra before he sky goes cloudy and he looks back only to see you getting up. "There is no way I slashed right through his heart what are you" the man asked as you look at him and he feels fear at the look in your eyes.

"Your eyes are red but I was told you could only teleport things so what the hell is this" the man asked as he others let go of Harley as she fell covering herself but also looking at you. You begin walking closer and closer before you destroy the guys sword and hold him in the air by his neck and soon tear him apart as his scream filled your ears and you smile in pleasure before going after the others and doing the same.

Harley watched as you took pleasure in killing them before she sees you look at her and begin walking over to her but you soon pick her up and carry her to the car where you then gave her a blanket before driving back to the house. "[Fn] what are you" Harley asked as you didn't look at her only at the road not even a word before reaching the house and Ivy sees Harley and you before going inside you go to your room while Ivy gets Harley new clothes.

"Harley what happened" Ivy asked before Harley explained everything and soon Ivy her eyes trying not cry. "Harley listen what you saw was not the real [Fn]" Ivy said as she tries to explain it to Harley.

"[Fn] has what you might call a curse you see his power is teleporting but he has a second power which only activates under stress or anger he calls it the demon" Ivy said to Harley as you listen from the stairs. "The demon" Harley said as Ivy nods.

"The demon is a power that makes him want to kill for nothing more than to hear screams but [Fn] is kind he just can't control it" Ivy said as you just walk back up the stair which Harley noticed.

Later that day

The sun had set leaving the calm moon to light the night sky while you sat on the roof looking at the bright stars. *I'm running out of time and now she saw it* you thought as the image from before flashed in your mind causing anger to show on your face before someone comes and sits next to you.

"Harley why are you still up" you asked as Harley sat next to you. "I just wanted to talk to you but since we got back you have been cold and distant please just tell me why" Harley asked as you stand up preparing to leave before she grabs your arm forcing you to stay.

"You have no place in my life Harley the same goes for Ivy so just leave me alone" you say before pulling your arm free and creating a portal to who knows where and as you began to walk through Harley could see a tear in your eye as you disappear leaving her to cry on the roof. *So [Fn] you made a place in Harley's heart but not letting yourself fall in love but will this be the last time or are you going to bloom* Ivy thought as she headed back to her room after hearing what you said to Harley.

To somewhere else

*So I came here but am I actually ready to see you or am I just a fool* you thought as you looked at the sight of your fathers lab and begin walking inside still seeing the blood on the ground before reaching your lab. "I haven't been in here for a long time but now I can finally work on the cure" you said as you put on a lab coat and begin to experiment by taking samples of your blood.

*Looks like my cells are being mutated maybe if I remove this and then replace it with this* you thought as you began to try your idea by removing the white blood cells and then begin to replace sections of your mutated red blood cells in the hopes of making an antibody that woul destroy the mutation. You watch as the cells merge and soon see the mutated cells turn back to normal which caused you to smile before seeing the mutation return making you lose your smile before coming up with other Idea's.

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