Chapter 5

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A week had passed since you left Harley and Ivy with no sign of your return.

"Harley you ok" Ivy asked as she saw how Harley was not even eat like all the life had been drained from her. "I'm fine just lost in thought" Harley said as Ivy looked at a photo that had the 3 of you all standing outside the new house.

*[Fn] where are you* Ivy thought as she looked at Harley and they finished their food. Meanwhile your still sitting in your lab work over and over with 50 solutions tested but failed.

"No no no it still doesn't hold no matter what I do it just won't return to a normal human cell" you say as you sweep the research you had off the table in anger. *I need to understand how this mutation is structured but when I think I have solve it I find it still doesn't work what am I missing* you thought as you closed your eyes hoping your brain would come up with the answer before a memory flashed in your mind.

Memory begins

"No that's not it and this doesn't seem to work come on why is this so difficult" you said before your dad walks over to you. "Haha having some trouble son" you dad asked with a light smile as he looked at your research.

"Oh your trying to remove a virus from the cell that's smart" he said as you lean back on your chair. "Yeah but every time I try it just keeps coming back I want to remove it completely" you said as your father could see the frustration on your face.

"Listen [Fn] think of this lab as a boxing ring and the problem is your opponent if you give up and let it win allthe people who support you will begin to disappear so stand up and fight" your father said as you look at the screen and soon idea pops into your head.

Memory ends

*That's right I need to stand up and fight* you thought before thinking and soon an idea came to mind and you grab the things you need. "Ok I'm done hope this works" you say before getting a sample of your blood and then adding a red liquid and taking a look only to see it change but this time something different happens as your red blood cells turn blue and the mutation begins to dissolve on the blood cell.

"It works" you said as you feel a tear coming down your face. "Ok now it's time for the real test" you say before creating the same red liquid before grabbing a needle and begin to inject the liquid into your body before dropping the needle and scream in pain.

"Ah it feels like my body is being torn apart" you say as you fight through the pain and soon are able to relax before walking over to a mirror to see if it worked. As you looked in the mirror you don't see any changes before closing your eyes thinking about everyone like Ivy and Harley before opening your eyes seeing the turn bright red as you smile.

"It worked watch out Ricky and Tommy because I'm coming home" you say as you look out to the night sky that is illuminated by the pale moon light. You prepare to leave before remembering one last job that needed to be done you carry all the bodies of your staff including your fathers up to a hill that looks over a nice field before burying them and paying your respects before teleporting away.

Back to Ivy and Harley

Ivy was watering her plants while Harley just watched TV all the time never getting what you said out of her mind. "You have no place in my life Harely the same goes for Ivy so just leave me alone" Harley remembers as a tear begins to form as Ivy walks in and sees Harley about to cry before she sees a portal appear and a hand comes out and lands on Harley's shoulder.

Harley look behind her before her eyes widen as you stand there hand on her shoulder and a smile on your face. "I'm back" you say as Ivy watched Harley jump out of her seat and run round to hug you as she broke out into tears.

"Harley I'm sorry for what I said" you tell her as Ivy looked at you suprised at the action you was take as all the time she had known you she had never actually feel regret something you said. "Your a dummy how could you leave us like that and it really hur...." Harley was saying before getting cut off by your lips connecting to hers which made Ivy smile as Harley just kissed you back.

*So you have finally got over the past I'm glad and hope to see how far you can go on this new path* Ivy thought as you and Harley separate with love and a hint of lust in both your eyes. "Harley Quinn will you be my girlfriend" you asked as you see Harley smile.

"Yes" Harley says as you pick her up and soon the room felt like a scene out of a movie before Ivy walks over and you all begin to have fun like before. *Looks like the doors of change are finally open and will never be closed again* you thought as you looked out at the clear blue sky before rejoining Ivy and Harley for some dinner.

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