Chapter 10

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After you met up with Ivy and Harley the 5 of you all find a safe place to hide while coming up with a plan after Ivy explained what happened.

"I see so it all started after I left but if I know Ricky he is most likely going to capture all of Gotham and then send the new demons to take over the rest of the world" you say as everyone looked at you. "But before we can even think about going after Ricky we need to add 1 more person to our ranks" you said as you begin texting the person your location for the meeting.

After a couple of hours no one showed before someone walks in only for it to be Tommy. "[Fn] I know your here" Tommy says as you walk from behind a pillar.

"Never thought you would come alone but what can I expect from a double agent" you tell Tommy as he smiled before walking over to you and shaking your hand. "So how was my acting" Tommy asked while smiling.

"Good but next time make sure to prepare for the moment a piece of me is ripped out" you say a little angry as Tommy rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah sorry about that but I couldn't risk telling you as your reaction would of look suspect" Tommy said as you nod your head before walking him to the group.

"Hold so let me get this straight this guy has been on our side this whole time" Harley asked as you nod before you and Tommy sit down. "Yeah after I teleported out of my destroyed lab I began walking anywhere after a couple hours I found a road that would lead me to town but Tommy was waiting and actually want to say sorry" you say as everyone looked at Tommy.

"At first I agreed with Ricky on this misson but things changed when [Fn] gave us a job he didn't ask questions just held his hand out like a light at the end of the tunnel I owe him for that but Ricky is lost in the dark" Tommy said as everyone looked at the floor. "And that is why I am going to break Ricky out of his prison and show him the light" you say as everyone looked at you with smiles on their faces.

"But seriously [Fn] he will most likely be ready for you and his demon ability is unreal" Tommy said as you go deep in thought. "I don't plan to hide I am going to walk into his castle and knock it down" you say before standing up and walking out the door leaving the group in silence.

Harley went after you and watch as you got ready to fight but you kept a sad look in your eyes almost like you knew something was going to happen that you wouldn't tell the others. "Harley if your going to spy don't stand in plain sight besides I want you to come sit with me as I need to tell you something" you said to her as she walked over to a chair and sat down as you did the same.

"I'm sure you noticed right the look in my eyes a look of sadness that is because I will need to leave you" you said as Harley looked confused before grabbing your hands. "I... I don't understand what you mean" Harley told you as she held back her tears.

"Harley when I got my full demon power back it showed me a future where I die in battle and this is the day I saw I'll fight Ricky but die in the process" you tell her as you watch a tear fall down her face as you hold back your own tears before standing up and walking out the room where you see Tommy standing against the wall. "[Fn] I'm sorry" Tommy said as you walk past him as the rest of your team shows up plus extra help.

You and your team begin to walk towards the centre Gotham your team was master Tai, master Nora, master Krow, Tommy, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Clayface, King Shark and Batman. "Today we set our differences aside and work as one to beat the League Of Demons" you tell them as you all stand in the centre of Gotham before seeing Ricky and his League Of Demons arrive.

"Tommy I'm hurt you would betray me after all we have gone through" Ricky said as you let Tommy speak his mind. "Ricky after all [Fn] did for us you still won't let go of the past but me I have decided to follow [Fn] towards the future" Tommy said as Ricky had a little chuckle before looking at Tommy with bright red eyes and snaps his fingers as some of the demonised Gotham people rush at Tommy.

You quick splash something in their faces causing them to fall unconscious as they turned back to normal. "WHAT DID YOU DO" Ricky shouts in pure rage as you smile before moving the un-demonised Gotham people to a safe distance before looking at Ricky.

"When I was training with master Krow in combat I fell into a herb that paralyses a demon for a couple of hours but I actually mixed it with my own formula which created this I call it the anti-demon formula" you say with a smile as Ricky grew even more angry as the battle was about to begin with you and Ricky going off somewhere leaving the rest of your group to fight the Gotham demons. "Lets cure them" Tommy said before the 2 forces charge at each other.

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