6. Mes Posthumes

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6.1 Is there not already too much noise from this planet? From a species distinguished mainly by its violence and its chatter.

6.2  A vision of that great night that will end the memories of every child whose drawers and closets are stuffed with things, the deeds of our race, and the work of Proust and Shakespeare. By that coming and eternal cold all will be forgotten.

6.3  Time is the friend of wisdom and the enemy of pleasure.

6.4  We fall in love for what seems like a few moments; like Mayflies.

6.5  A moment is a set of possibilities from a set of givens. 

6.6 Boredom is merely an attitude.

6.7 We find it unbearable that life is finite and we do not awaken. We counter this malaise in a variety of ways, but in all cases, it must be said, by some form of deception.

6.8 Two kinds of death that may be imagined: Existing without feeling anything; feeling everything without existing.

6.9 An understanding of death can only be approached through metaphor. 

6.10 The Gironde estuary contains as much as may be said.

6.11 To have loved like Vincent van Gogh or Friedrich Holderlin, and lived like ...

6.12 I am like St. Paul's mule. I have seen the fire invisible to most; but I have not known the ecstasy. Mules are not made for that.

6.13 Lightning and Grace. Zeus/Deus. Two forms of annihilation.

6.14 Now we may be certain that I have been spared recognition.

6.15 These are like the borders of the skin. 

6.16 What does it mean to wait until you die to be read? One speaks to no-one who exists presently. One imagines those who will turn the pages and take in the words and the rhythms of my own thought processes long after they have ceased to be mine.

6.17 It occurs to me that the volume of my production is similar to Novalis', and he had far less time. Although, I have had to shed far more skin.

6.18 Imagine the person as a country or a city - a land of the future - a failed state - a necropolis.

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