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He is never taking the bus again.

Dallon groans as he tries to rub out the melted stain off his jeans. A mother and her damn kid decided to plop down next to him, and it just so happens the kid was holding an ice cream cone. A chocolate ice cream cone. Next thing Dallon knew, the front of his jeans looked like someone decided to take a dump on him.

This one of the many reasons as to why Dallon hates kids.

Of course, the mom doesn't apologize or anything. Just shrugged at Dallon and got off at the next stop. As if Dallon wasn't already irritated, sugary goodness just made it even worse.

He really shouldn't be mad at a kid for something that is expected of them at their age (even though it is Dallon's favorite pair of jeans). Ever since Dallon woke up this morning, he's been nothing but unpleasant. Probably due to the fact that he needs to find an apartment soon because he can't stay in the motel for long. He only has so much money saved up to stay another night while trying to feed himself and pay for transportation (and taxi is going to be way more expensive). If anything, he needs to knock himself on the head for thinking New York City was the best place to move to.

(Not like he had much of a choice.)

He rubs at the stain once more before deeming it decent enough and tugs down the front of his button up to try and cover up most of it. Looking like a slob at the apartment interview is not a good first impression. Hopefully this guy does not pay attention to his crotch area at all.

After the adjusting, Dallon viciously scrubs at his hands with the soap and water then heads out of the gas station's bathroom. He pulls out the flyer in his pocket and looks at the address typed on there. It's only a few blocks away, he can walk the rest of the way. The walk will also give him time to practice being polite and not sound so desperate (even though his stupid brain keeps reminding him that he is screwed if he doesn't get an apartment soon and his chest tightens everytime the thought crosses his mind).

Mumbling is all that can be heard from Dallon as he makes his way to the apartment. The only basic information he got from the flyer was that it was a two bedroom apartment and this guy's roommate just recently moved in with his fiance. Rent wasn't the worst, they could easily split it.

Why is Dallon talking like he got accepted as a roommate? He really needs to work on not getting his hopes up.

He walks up the building steps and heads inside. Glancing at the paper again, he heads inside the elevator and presses the button for the second floor. Dallon leans back against the wall of the elevator and shuts his eyes as it starts to head up.

"Be polite. Be polite," he mumbles to himself. His stomach was doing a dance to torment him.

The elevator doors slide open and Dallon drags himself out. He turns down the hall and immediately found the number he needed on his left. That was way too soon for Dallon's liking.


Dallon never feared a number and letter so much until now.

He straightens out his shirt to try and cover the stain more, but it was pointless. A little bit of the brown is still peeking out. Dallon huffed in frustration and glared at his crotch. That would be his luck.

Rolling his shoulders, he looked back up at the door and took one last deep breath. Before his mind could even process anything, his hand takes leader and knocks on the apartment door.

'Abort! Abort Dallon!' His brain screams.

Dallon, one foot placed behind the other and ready to spin around, freezes when the door to 2B opens up. Well, there goes the chance of running away.

A man that stood a few inches shorter than Dallon, shirtless and wearing sweatpants that hang pretty low on his hips rubs his irritated eyes. The curls in his hair were sticking up all over, and his eyelids were only halfway open. He was definitely sleeping before. Dallon just woke him up from his sleep.

He could kiss a good first impression goodbye.

The shirtless man yawns and leans against his door frame, "how can I help you?"

Dallon swallowed hard, "I uh, I'm here for the roommate thing."

Shirtless man immediately stood up straight and grins sleepily, "dude! Why didn't you just say so?! Come in!"

He moves out of the doorway and disappears into his apartment. Dallon hesitates, but follows him inside. He closes the door behind him then takes a moment to examine the apartment and is pretty impressed. No, it is not the nicest looking apartment but it was way more decent than the other ones he has taken a look at. Tan colored walls were complimented by shades of red and yellow decor and blue colored furniture. This guy at least had a decent style to his place unlike the others.

Shirtless man was no longer shirtless as he walked back out with a white tee on. He grins at Dallon and holds his hand to shake.

"Name is Josh. What do people call you?"

Dallon shakes his hand, "Dallon Weekes."

"Bitchin'! Well, take a seat Dallon Weekes. I have to make an important call," Josh says and gestures to the couch. Dallon nods and sits on the couch, making himself comfortable but still trying to look polite.

He watches Josh walk over to the olive colored wall phone and press the numbers. He leads against the wall and taps his foot as the phone is ringing. He swears he sees a fond smile and a jump in Josh once someone answers.

"Hey. I have someone." Quiet. "Of course that is why I called. You told me to!" Quiet. "Could you two just hurry it up?" Quiet. "Thank you. Door is unlocked." Josh hangs up the phone.

Dallon chews at his bottom lip and adjusts himself in the seat, "everything okay?"

Josh nods, "just give it a minute or two."

Dallon furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

Suddenly, the door opens. A man with a shaved head walks in with a short girl following closely behind. The girl closes the door behind her and walks over to Dallon. She grins at him, and that calms his nerves a little bit. Yet, he was still confused at their sudden presence.

"He's fine," she comments. Dallon blushes at the compliment.

"No flirting Ashley," Josh replies and walks over to the shaved man, "okay, you're here. Now, why do you want to meet him?"

Shaved man throws his hands up out of frustration, "well, we have to make sure you won't get murdered obviously!"

Josh rolls his eyes and shakes his head. His cheeks turned a light red, and he pats the other man's chest. Shaved man gives a small grin then turns to Ashley and Dallon. His demeanor takes a 180 when his eyes land on Dallon. His eyes narrow at the confused man, and he crosses his arms.

"Are you a murderer?" he asks. His voice was very intimidating.

Dallon quickly shakes his head, "n-no. Nope. No sir?"

The back of his neck felt like a waterfall. His stomach was still doing the stupid dance that made him even more nauseous than earlier. God, he really hoped he didn't vomit all over the floor.

Shaved man calms Dallon's nerves with a simple grin and a pat on his arm, "wicked."

Dallon sighs in relief and slumps back into the couch with all the energy in him suddenly sucked out. Josh grins down at the poor man and sits on the arm of the couch next to him.

"Dallon Weekes, meet your new neighbors, Ashley Frangipane and Tyler Joseph."

Dallon doesn't know if he really wants to live in apartment 2B anymore.

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