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"Holy shit, I love Camisado! I'm tagging along!"

Dallon raises an eyebrow at his overly enthusiastic roommate, "you've been to Camisado?"

Camisado is a New York music venue and bar that caters to the younger crowd and is home to underground bands. Dallon first heard of it from a flyer hanging on a telephone pole on his second day in the city. While the place isn't nearly as popular as CBGB on Bowery, it seems to have a good amount of people come in.

"Of course! Actually, one of the acts I really like is scheduled to play tonight!" Josh says. "Haven't seen them play in awhile! I'm tagging along dude."

Dallon shrugs. The more the merrier.

"Alright. We need to be there by fifteen after nine."

Josh grins, "tubular! I'll go let Tyler and Ashley know!"

A groan nearly escapes Dallon's mouth once Josh mentions Tyler, but he manages to hold it back in time. He has to be polite because Josh is the reason he even has a roof over his head right now. Even though the last person Dallon wants to socialize with is the creep known as Tyler Joseph.

With regret, Dallon politely smiles at Josh and nods. Hopefully the addition of Ashley will make things more bearable. She has been nothing but nice like Josh, even though her hands tend to go straight to his chest way more often than he'd like to admit. Maybe Tyler's looming presence won't bother him a lot tonight with her there.

"I am going to get ready," Dallon says, "why don't you go let them know about the plans?"

Josh nods at Dallon before heading out the front door and over to their neighbors' apartment. Dallon takes note of the skip in his roommate's step as he watches him walk out.

For a few seconds, Dallon waits incase Josh comes back for something in their apartment. When he is sure that Josh will be gone for a few minutes, Dallon makes his way over to their telephone. He picks up the phone and punches in a familiar number. The two simple actions made his stomach churn uncomfortably. He rubs his fingers together to calm his thoughts.






Dallon releases breath he didn't know he was holding. He smiles, small and shaky.

"Hey, it's me. Ho-?"


Dallon tries to not take the action to heart.


Camisado is exactly what Dallon pictured as a music venue. The place is crowded with young adults consuming alcohol and pressing their sweaty bodies together, and the aroma was drugs and sex. Dallon does not really understand the appeal for those scents, but he doesn't judge those who breathe it in like oxygen.

The crowd is more crowded near the stage and Dallon is grateful that Ashley is holding on to his wrist and pulling him through everyone. They manage to snag a decent spot up front. Dallon ignores the glares being sent their way and looks down to make sure Ashley wasn't being squished. She was very short, and he was afraid she could be trampled on at any moment. Ashley looks back up at him and grins before cuddling into his side. Dallon lets the flirty move slide since he was sure she wasn't planning his murder unlike Tyler.

Speaking of Tyler, Dallon looks around to see if he could spot either his future murderer or his roommate anywhere. He manages to catch a glimpse of the pair sitting at the bar and chatting. Tyler's arm was laying on the counter behind Josh's back and his body was slightly pressed against the other man's. Josh either did not mind or did not notice their bodies nearly pressed against each other nor the other man's stare. A stare that was way too fond for one man to give to another man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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