Chapter 11

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“I’m here.” I turn back and see Iris in a very short cocktail dress, very unlike what the other girls were wearing. She walks towards us and grabs a chair.

“I think you’ll have to change.” I say and look at her dress riding over her mid thigh as she sits.

“And why is that?” She looks at me with a bored expression.

“Doesn’t quite fit…” I am cut in the middle again. I was gonna tell her that all the other girls were wearing cute outfits but she didn’t let me.

“Listen, I don’t think my dress is gonna affect the show in any way and I don’t think we even have a task to do today? So, what’s the problem?” She says and crosses her legs.

“Never mind. Let’s start. Fighting everyone!” I say and pump my fist in the air and everyone shouts ‘fighting’.

We roll the cameras.

“The concept for today is your introduction and you guys getting to know each other. Come in one by one, introduce yourselves and then sit with your partner.” I say and we get everyone’s introductions done.

“We’re gonna have individual cameras for each couple starting from here on and you guys can interact as and where you like, okay?” I say and send in everyone for individual cams.

Unfortunately, I’m shooting Jungkook and Iris. No one in my team has the guts to go up against Iris and say they’re scared she would snap at them any time, which is why I’ve had to take up the job. I can’t make any more mistakes anymore, or PD-nim will definitely fire me.

“So, where are you guys gonna go?” I ask, off camera.

“The dance practice room.” Jungkook says and grabs Iris’ hand.

It hit me then that they’re actually gonna be together throughout the show, doing tasks together, and I’m gonna have to be recording them doing all of it.

This girl that I saw on top of Jungkook that day. My tears almost resurface.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. You guys go ahead.” I say and rush off to the washroom.

Looking in the mirror, I realize how pathetic I am. She came in a sexy dress while I’m in my sweatpants because we had to come early today. She is an idol, while I just handle cameras. She is the complete opposite of me. She is made for him.

I wipe my tears and walk out.

“Sorry, I had some work.” I say and a sniff escapes me. Jungkook walks over to me and grabs my wrist. He pulls me out of the room.

“Where are you going? What is going on?” I hear Iris’ voice from inside the room. Jungkook takes me to the nearest store room and no matter how much I try to yank my hand away, it’s useless.

“What do you want?” I ask, as soon we make it to the room.

“Why did you cry?” He asks and pins me against the wall. I try to push him away but he doesn’t budge,

“I didn’t cry. Move away, Jeon Jungkook!” I say and keep pushing him. He grabs both my hands and holds them down, coming closer.

“Why is your nose red then? And your eyes are puffy too. Why are you so affected?” He asks and I turn my head in the other direction, not answering.

“Hwa Young, look at me! Just say the words and I’ll come back to you. I won’t do the show. I won’t see Iris. Just tell me to come back.” He says and I look at him.

“I never said I wanted you back. We’ve broken up Jungkook. You can do whatever you want. It’s none of my business anymore.” I say, even though its all lies, and feel his grip on my hands loosen.

I push his hand away and run outside, leaving him there. I try to compose myself and rush back to the practice room.

I love you, Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now