Chapter 3

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They rode for hours, it wasn't long before the castle came into view. As they made their approach they circled back to an area of the castle that hadn't been there when Runaan first came that fateful night, a dragon landing area, Ethari explained to them that the new king had a bond with the Dragon Prince and had decided to have an area for visiting dragons to land. What Ethari didn't expect was the King of Katolis, Ezran, to be there when they landed.
"Ez, what are you doing out here?" asked Ethari once they landed, Runaan and they stayed behind Ethari, unsure of what to do with themselves.
"What? I can't come to see when people arrive on a dragon? It doesn't happen as often as it should, what are you doing here Ethari?" Ezran asked as he hugged Ethari. They had just seen each other not a month ago but he still enjoyed seeing him.
"I have some news for Rayla, they're alive," as he said that he gestured back to the rest. Runaan took note of the gesture and walked forward, and spoke "It is not my place to say this, but... I am glad I failed my mission, against you."
As Realization of what Runaan said set into Ez he realized who he was "You''re the one who killed him...."
"Yes....I am the one" When he said this a long silence fell on them all before Ezran spoke "I...I hate you..."
"But... I forgive you...." It shocked them all there, Runaan especially was stunned. He thought to himself, How could he forgive me?, but Ezran continued

"I know it was just your job, I've come to accept my father was a flawed man, now that that is settled, Guard!" Runaan backstepped thinking the young king was going to exact revenge.
"Send word to Rayla, her family is here, all of them," Hearing his order the guard darted off back into the castle to find Rayla. "Okay, while he finds Rayla, you three follow Ethari to the guest rooms,"

Ethari gave a thankful look to Ezran just before Ezran quickly made his way away from them, but Runaan saw it, the young king was wiping his eyes just before disappearing into the castle, he shuddered, the boy had said he was forgiven but saw his actions still hurt the young boy to this day. Runaan never had to deal with the aftershocks of his missions, this was completely new to him. Something must have shown on his face because Ethari grabbed Runaan's hand and pulled him along to the guest rooms to talk, Lain and Tiadrin following.

Callum and Rayla were in their bedroom, Callum was drawing Rayla and their 15 month old daughter, Sarai, playing together. Callum only needed one look to draw it but he couldn't help but to keep looking back up each time smiling at the scene before him, Rayla with her amethyst eyes bright with the reflection of their daughter. The more he drew the more he focused on Sarai's details, her heathered gray hair, her cute horn nubs that Rayla was adamant would grow just like her's, her shorter but still pointed ears, and finally her eyes. Callum always focused on eyes the most in his drawings, he always thought Rayla's were the hardest to draw, that was until Sarai came along, Callum had never seen anything like it until he met Nyx, her eyes were both Callum's and Rayla's, one bright green like his and the other a beautiful amethyst, and he loved it, a new challenge.

As Callum kept drawing, a knock on the door sounded through the room, Callum did not want Rayla and Sarai to break up, so he got up and opened the door. A guard, he relayed a message from Ezran and quickly went on his way. Rayla had heard her name and knew to go ahead, leaving Callum with Sarai all the while questioning what he meant by all her family, Ethari was all she had left? Callum understood whatever was going on he just needed to stay with their daughter.

When Rayla got to the door of the guest room she had a knot in her stomach for some reason, she felt something was off. Then, she opened the door. When the door swung open she was awestruck, immediately she recognized the faces in the room, Lain and Tiadrin talking in the corner of the room and Ethari and Runnan on one of the beds. Before they could even say anything she slammed the door shut. Thoughts ran through her mind. Is it really them? How? I thought they died! Where have they been? She asked herself over and over, but only one conclusion was able to be reached, she had to ask them. She didn't even notice that she had started to cry, was it a relief to see them? She didn't know, but before she could open the door again she turned to see it open just before lain and Tiadrin embracing her in a strong hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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