chap 3☀

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y/n's p.o.v

        After a few minutes of me talking about whatever with the other paladins and Keith staring into space [Pun-intended], A small alarm went off in the castle, not blaring but loud enough to catch your attention. The Paladins including Keith ran out to the room to who knows where, and Allura and Coran started typing stuff on the panels. I kind of just stood there for a solid 20 seconds, then walked towards where they were typing what looked like coordinates and data. 

       "What can I do to help?"   "Oh sorry, what was that y/n?" coran said the turned back to the panels  in response "Well, you said you brought me here to help so what do you need me to help with?" "Well we don't need help, but you can look out the window and be a scout for incoming ships that don't look like ours," Allura said in response also, looking back at the panels immediately. "Ok.....What do our ships look like?" "Five brightly colored lions, red, blue, yellow, green, and black!" Coran smiled whilst saying that. "Oh." I went to the window and just stared into space, 10 minutes passed, then 25, then 30. I was kind of done with just standing there, so I turned around to where they were typing shit onto the panels. They were gone, I looked around the castle. Gone. Gone. Gone

        At that point, I was done. You don't kidnap someone, rip them away from their planet, home, and family, say that you need their help urgently. Then say that you don't need them, that's not how the world works. But I guess I can't say that. I was kidnapped, taken into outer space, and thrown onto a planet with people who are delusional thinking that there's some evil force among the universe, and believe they have to stop it. Now that I think about it, they've probably gone mental from being stuck on that planet. Maybe they were kidnapped too... [Conspiracy theory???] nonetheless, I wanted to get off of this planet, I NEEDED to get off of this planet.

        I headed towards the entrance of the castle, then turned around to go back to the room they had given me for supplies and whatnot. Then I heard whirring and beeping coming from a room close by. I turned a corner and heard it louder, I tried a few doors before I opened one and saw chairs with headpieces on side tables, wires sticking out of them. I also saw some sorts of electric handles and study I didn't know what to think of. That was my final reason to leave this place. 

       So I decided to skip going to the room, ran straight out, and didn't slow down when I got past the woodline. My heart was pounding, my feet were moving faster than I ever knew possible, I kept running and running. Jumping over roots and rocks, making sure nothing would slow me down. But I did slow down when I came to an open clearing, A field with nothing but green grass.

         Then I saw a ship land, I hid behind a tree and turned around to see what or who it was. The people in black suits. They started walking towards me like they could see exactly where I was, I turned around to think, then as always one showed up right in front of me. He or she pulled me by my collar and didn't let go, I gripped the hand and tried ripping it off of me. Then they spoke, "You can struggle all you want, but that doesn't stop the fact that if you don't come with us they'll kill you." 

         I stopped fighting for a second, were they trying to help me get out of here, or were they just trying to get me to board their ship so they could bring me back? I was torn on what to do... "Who are you with?" That was my first question, it seemed like a good one. "The blade of Marmora, we need to go they'll be here any Varga" "Whats a Varga?" "Nothing you need to worry about, now get inside and we'll make sure you safe" I paused to look at the ship, for a second I remembered the whole 'don't get in a car with strangers thing' But then remembered that I was in space, no one else here was going to help me get out of here. "Ok.. I'll go with you"  "Great, let's go then" He and some others boarded the ship first, I followed behind. Once I was inside the ship took off flying to god knows where. But I didn't care, I was just happy to be away from that planet and those people. 

           Some hours past and I was getting curious as to just where they were taking me, so I went to what I think was called the cockpit. "Hey I never got any of your names, and where are we going anyway?" "I'm kolivan, that's ulaz" he shot a look behind him, another person in a suit where I couldn't see their faces. "We're going to our base, The blade of Marmora" "Oh, what am I going to do there?" "I don't know, I'll figure it out when we arrive" "Can I see your face?" "Not now" 

      I scoffed and went back to where I was before, I sat against the wall and closed my eyes for a solid 00000.00100 seconds before the entire ship shook violently. I jumped out of my seated position and ran to the cockpit, being disrupted by more shaking and an alarm blaring throughout the ship. Kolivan was typing furiously on the panels. "Ulaz what's going on?!?!" He turned around and asked. "I'm pulling up internal and external cameras now... Wait, It's Voltron!" "What?" I asked.

   "Your friends decided to pay us a visit, a very un-needed visit" 

          Word count: 990

Thanks for reading, working on chap 4 now <33

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