Chap 5☀

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      They had fur like the one who kidnapped me speaking of which, why didn't he have his mask on? Oh well, I don't know. "So are all of you not human? Or.." "This place is built out of Galrans that have allied against Zarkon and his heirs." "So am I joining?" "Are you Galra?" "Fair enough"

      We entered the base, there were dozens of what I could only guess were members or guards lining the pathway to the front of the room. I trailed behind Kolivan, followed by Ulaz behind me. Some of the people lining the path stopped to stare at me, I just kept looking forward.

        They stopped walking, I wasn't paying attention to things around me so I almost ran into Kolivan when he did. He turned around and spoke, "You will be staying here until we get this figured out, he'll show you your room." He pointed to one of the people on the lining, one that just so happened to be staring at me the hardest.

        I mentally rolled my eyes, then started to follow behind him. Only to stop and turn around to go up to Kolivan "Why can't I just go home? Your the ones who brought me here anyway" "Well we had different plans, someone didn't follow through so here we are"  

      I sighed and continued, "ok, but thank you for taking me out of there" "We're just doing our job" Yes I don't know these people either, but I feel like I can trust them a little more than "Voltron" 

      I followed my 'guide' again, showing me to my room. It wasn't much, but I didn't mind. The walls and ceiling, and the entire room, Was metal or titanium maybe. Black walls, dark grey floors, and ceiling. There were dim purple lights and a bed on the wall, which frame was also metal and black. 

      I sat on the bed, trying to think how I came into this situation. I was kidnapped from an entire planet, Placed on a planet full of maniacs, and now I'm on an asteroid sitting in a dark room made of metal. And I still don't know if I can fully trust the people here. I gave up on thinking and laid down, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

                                                                   -----Time skip-----

            I woke up not knowing what time it was because I didn't have my phone, It must have slipped out when I was being dragged up a hill. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door to the bedroom. I got up and opened the door, expecting Kolivan or someone like that. Oh, how wrong I was. I was turned around and muffled by a cloth, must've been laced because I passed out not even 3 seconds in. 

                                        =========yes.. another time skip========

       I woke up in a chair... THE CHAIR.  I started to move in any way I could, Metal cuffs locked my arms and legs. The "Headpiece" wasn't on, thank god, I have no idea what that could've done if it was.  While I was struggling, I heard muttering from outside the door. Then someone walked in, the chairs are turned away from the door so I had no idea who it was. Until I heard the voice, Keith?? Was Keith the one behind this? Was he the one who took me from the Blade? What wouls- "What the fuck" That's what spilled out of his mouth before coming in front of the chair to face me. 

        "Oh don't act like you have no idea what's going on!" I tried launching myself at him but then remembered that I was cuffed to a chair. "How did you get back here?" "Well, I'd ask you the same question" I scoffed and looked around for some way to help myself because he wasn't going to help me. "Oh suck it up buttercup I'm just as in shock as you are" Did he just tell me to?- You know what, no, I'm not gonna freak out over this. 

"We need to get you out of here" "I thought you said I was a spy?" "Well spy or not, I know your not supposed to be here" "No shit sherlock" "I.I know ok?" "Finally we agree on something" 

  He looked around in the room, then his gaze was attached to a screen. He walked over to it and started swiping and tapping keys. It seemed as if he had no idea what a computer was. But then the cuffs on me were all off, I jumped up not wanting to get stuck again. Keith looked like he was thinking seriously, so I didn't interrupt him.

      "Why did they lock you in here?" I wriggled my nose "I don't know,  they seem crazy" "What do you mean?" "Well the lions are pretty suspicious to me, and what about-" voices were nearing outside the door, which was open. Keith stepped forward to the lookout. He whispered "If we don't want to get caught, we have to move now before they get any closer" I nodded and followed him down the dimly lit hallways. We passed bedrooms, the bridge, and a kitchen. Until we both heard voices around the corner, he pulled me into the nearest room, the library. 

Word count: 880

Thank you so much for reading! PM or get in one of my conversations if you ever wanna talk!


&quot;Suck It Up Buttercup&quot; [Voltron x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now