Mike's POV
She says "it starts with him robbing our store with me at knife point. He almost cut me too anyways he then goes out into the dark then I heard the screams." I say "what did he look like?" Tapping Tony's hand. She says "he kept a hood up but he had a diamond face shape, seemed to have hid head shaved, seemed not fat but not muscular, maybe 5'8", and a scar on the inner side of his palm." I say "glasses?" The girl says "no of what I could see he had black contacts." I say "anything else?" She's says "no? Don't think so." I say "I think we're done then. Thank you for your time." I say "what's your name?" She says "Ashlynn." I say "nice to meet you." I get up and shake her hand and sit next to Tony then that's when hell breaks loose. I hear Rose yell "MIKE!" I say "shit!" I get up and Tony follows me I say "shoulders and knees." He says "I got it." I see Finneas and he says "here we go." I go out side and I examine what's happening. I see a woman holding a gun to a teenagers head. The woman says "you come closer I shoot" she's clearly high on illegal shit. I say "put down the gun and I'll put mine down ok?" She says "ok" I thought she wouldn't give up that easily. She drops it and passes out. The teen says "shit!" I say "hey kid it's ok. Ok? Do you know if she's on anything?" The kid mumbles "she's on cocaine and heroin and the occasional morphine." I say "Rose call ambulance. Now." I check her pulse and it's faint. I say "Finneas CPR?" He nods and gets to it. I say "Tony go ask some people some questions please." He nods and I turn to the kid saying "what's your name?" They says "Taylor." I say "I'm Mike I'm not gonna bombard you with questions but can you tell me what was happening out hear before I got here?" Taylor says "I sold her out to the cops and she started chasing me down the street with a gun high off everything on the face of the earth." I say "ok. How old are you?" He says "16." I say "can you drive?" He says "no I thought you weren't going to bombard me with questions?" I say "sorry you can ask me questions too." He says "sure. Siblings?" and we sit in the middle of the chaos on the ground. I say "yeah. You?" He says "shit! I'm so forgetful my sister is at the house with a bunch of creeps. I gotta go." I say "wait. Tony take my keys. Whats her name?" Taylor says "Angelica. You're gonna need back up those dudes are giant in there." I say "I'm making a phone call." I call Billie and say "whoever isn't doing serious shit send them to ****. Thank you. You guys get those weird creeps Tony is getting the girl." Billie says "got it Mike thank you." The ambulance gets here and I say "Rose stay with the kid Finneas you're staying here too." He mockingly says "yes sir." I roll my eyes and Tony starts walking back to the car I say "wait come back here." The crowd is still here around from when I was giving orders. Tony looks at me saying "what?" I say "come over here." He comes closer so he's standing right in front of me. I go in all at once and kiss him hard. He says "mm" as he presses harder. I can here the crowd cheering and taking pictures. I pull away slowly saying "ready to kick ass?" Tony says "hell yeah." I pick up my gun twirling it in my hand and go to the car and I say "my car is like this one back home" starting the car and speeding down the road to the address Taylor told me. I say "ready?" He breathes out saying "yup." We get out of the car and I say "you want the honors of fbi open up?" Tony says "yes." He knocks twice yelling "FBI OPEN UP!" I hear a girl scream and I kick the door down immediately I say "nice try trying to escape jackasses." A guy comes at me saying "you're not the FBI? Who are you?" Holding a gun up. I say "technically that force works for me in Cali" holding up a gun back. A guy holds a gun up to Tony I say "if you fucking touch him or harm him you're gone." Tony points a gun at him saying "I don't miss very often punk." Damn. I say "go get the girl, back up just got here" as I hear sirens. Tony says "ok." The guys guns point at Tony as he walks up the rickety stairs. I say "I said if you touched or harmed him you'll be rotting in Hell forever." A whole crew walks in and I say "what's up guys?" I hear a mixture of "I'm ok", "nothing much", and "eh." I say "how many of you guys are there?" A guy says "not telling you." I say "why?" Taking a step forward. The guy takes a step backwards. A guy tries to run and I shoot him in the back of the knee. I say "shouldn't of done that buddy the ultimate dead leg."  Billie snorts I say "when did you get here?" He says "when everyone else did." I say "oh." Another guy tries to run and I get him in the back of the knee I say "you seriously thought that would work? Show me your palms?" He says "why?" I say "why're you so defensive?" He shows me his palms and nothing. I say "damnit. Ok." Tony calls me and I smile saying "hey love what's up?" He says "do you want me to bring her down or is it a danger for her she's kinda roughed up." I say "alright you can bring her down, darling." He says "ok" hanging up. The man mockingly asks "awww was that your boyfriend?" I say "not yet." Tony comes down holding a teenage girl in his arms. She looks up shyly and smiles at me and waves. I say "hey sweetheart, Tony get her out of here it might get messy in a second." The rest of the guys try to run and I'm like you guys are so predictable that was boring " shooting the back of their knees. I say "you! Call an ambulance. You! You! And you! Start looking around loose floor boards look anywhere you could possibly find anything. The mom did everything there has to be something in here." I go outside and I see Tony and the girl playing rock, paper, scissors sitting on the sidewalk. I chuckle and sit behind Tony he says "I guess I didn't have to just sit there and look pretty huh. Damnit! You won." The girl stands up and does a happy dance. I say "you always look pretty Tony" kissing him.

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