Mike's POV
I say "well you didn't." Tony bumps me with his shoulder. My dog just barks at us and I say "time to go car rental place cause we are undercover." Billie says "Mike don't be incredibly stupid with car choice." I say "I won't." My crew walks out the door and I say "what kind of car do we want? I was thinking a lime green lambo." Tony hits me I say "ow I was kidding." Tony says "you always find yourself in bad situations never mind gaining more with a fucking lime green car!" I say "fine." The girl says "oh my name is Rose by the way." I say "awesome. You guys carry guns? I don't know what Billie makes you carry and what not." Rose says "yeah we both carry them because we're most likely to actually shoot someone them ourselves in the eye." I say "ralphie you'll shoot your eye out." My group chuckles. We get to the car rental place and I say "we had time to do this yesterday." Tony says "true look at us managing our time." I say "now we know what we can't do." Rose says "that woman looks suspicious." I say "good eye, kid." She says "I'm probably not much younger than you." I say "26 I think?" Tony says "you're the worst" laughing. I give Tony my notepad, him flipping his pencil in his hand writing down what the woman looks like. We make it to the car rental place and I say "I'm getting a car and we're going to a store that was open near the crime scene around the time the couple was murdered. Ok?" They all nod I say "act natural." Tony grabs my hand and leans into me. I say "this feels pretty natural to me." Tony blushes saying "me too." I go up to the counter and say "I need a fast car, that's not bulky, or too colorful." The lady at the counter says "spy mission?" I say "something close yes" winking at her. She says "I got a car for you then I'll get it I'll be right back" she skips away and Tony says "I'm excited now." I say "mm speedy car." Tony laughs shaking his head. The girl pulls up in a matte black lambo convertible and when she opens the doors they're butterfly doors. I say "now that's what I call a kick ass car. We'll take it." She says "alright how long will you be keeping the car?" I say "umm 2 weeks if it's more can I pay you when we bring it back?" She says "sure." I say "I'll pay for the damage if there is any which I'm hoping there won't be any but knowing me there will be." She says "name?" I say "Mike Fuentes." She says "real name?" I say "that is my real name?" She says "I get people in here buying cars and they say your name when they get a kick ass car even when they don't look like you." I say "ugh people thank you" smiling and taking the keys. She says "can you sign this just so I can be like you don't look like this man do you?" I laugh and says "sure" and it's a picture of my head shot. Tony mumbles "dayum." I chuckle and say "mm." She says "thank you." I nod and we go. Rose says "I never realized how famous you are." I say "me either" getting in the drivers seat. I say "any objections of me driving?" Finneas says "I feel like I should be scared." I say "you shouldn't." Tony says "I don't know if I should trust you with a vehicle." I make eye contact with him and he says "fine you owe me Starbucks the rest of the time we're here then." I say "I will always buy you Starbucks" He blushes and Rose says "am I the only one that's not scared?" Finneas says "eh." Tony says "Mike you're the worst" chuckling lightly. I say "alright here we go." I pull out of the parking lot driving down the road wile Tony plays with my hand. I chuckle and say "what are you doing?" He says "nothing" smiling at me. I chuckle as we pull into the parking lot that turns out to be a Starbucks. I say "cmon Lady yes you have to wear a leash we aren't in Cali" putting a leash on her. Finneas says "what do I ask them?" I say "I can do the first one and you can do all the other ones." He nods. Rose says "what do you want me to do?" I say "you people watch anyone that looks suspicious take a picture of them well look at security cameras for the people we found earlier. If someone asks why you're taking pictures of people show them your badge. If you need me yell." She says "ok." Tony says "Mike what do I do?" I say "come with me and look pretty." Rose says "why does he get the easy job?" I say "he doesn't he has to deal with my ass." Tony mumbles "I don't mind deal with your ass." I roll my eyes and say "here we go." We go in and I go up to the counter and they sit at a table. I say "who closed up last night?" to the tiny girl that looked barely 16. She says "why do you ask?" I say "there was a crime scene a block over and I would like to ask the person that closed up some questions it won't take too long" showing her my badge. She says "I closed up last night let's go sit" seeming a little shaken. I sit down the next place over from Tony and Finneas. She sits across from me saying "so this is how it happened."

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