Mike's POV
I look over at the girl and say "what's your name sweetheart?" She shyly says "Angelica oh I'm 14 if you needed to know that" awkwardly. I chuckle and say "I'm Mike that's Tony you probably knew that though." Billie asks what's do I do with those dudes you shot?" I say " get them to the hospital then in for questioning cause they could be with the dude ya know?" Billie says "gotcha" going back in the house. Angelica asks "what did you do to the guys?" I say "uh they tried to escape so I shot them in the back of the knees." She jumps on me saying "thank you! Where's Taylor?" I say "he's with my friends." She says "next question who do you work for?" Putting her hands on her hips. I say "myself. Technically the FBI in Cali but they all treat me like they work for me." Tony says "don't flatter yourself" rolling his eyes. Angelica chuckles saying "you guys seem like quite the people." I say "definitely." I go inside and say "Billie can we go back or do you need our help here?" Billie says "nope we're good here." I say "thanks man" walking out the door. I go to Tony and say "hey." He says "hey. Can we go I'm impatient?" I say "yes darling. Cmon kid." She shyly says "can I see your badge cause a guy said he was part of the FBI once to take me to CPS and he didn't. Sorry it's not you it's just I don't trust easily" looking down. I show her my badge and she says "shiny" and Tony shows her his badge. Angelica says "ok cool car by the way." I say "thank you" as she gets in the back seat. Tony gets in the front seat next to me. He smiles at me and I look over at him. I start the car and Tony looks spaced out as I pull off the side of the road. I say "what's up?" Putting my hand on his thigh. He says "thinking about the future." I say "hope I'm still there." He says "me too." Angelica says "omg there's a dog back here! Hi baby!" I chuckle and says "that's Lady she goes everywhere I do." Angelica says "aww she's so cute!" Tony says "you just met her and you have already killed her." I say "that dog only does harm when someone is harming someone else or herself." Angelica says "I wanna keep her but I can't!" I give Tony the 'can we talk later?' Look. And he gives me the same look, nodding his head. I pull into the parking lot of the Starbucks and Angelica practically jumps the side of the car, going to attack her brother. Then I hear a loud "owww pain in the ass literally hah!" Tony is looking at the kids, smiling. Tony mumbles "those kids are really special to me and I can't figure out why." He stands in front of me. I say "you'll figure it out, darling" pulling him into me. He kisses me and I pull away saying "I love you" squeezing his hips. He puts his hand over his mouth, getting teary eyed. He looks me in the eyes saying "I love you too" blushing and biting his lip slightly. I say "a question." He says "hopefully an answer?" I shake my head saying "Tony will you be my boyfriend?" He's crying now. He nods his head slightly, kissing me. I pull him impossibly closer by his hips. I hear Finneas says "eww PDA!" Rose says "shhh they're having a moment! Ahhh!" I chuckle against Tony's lips, and pull away slowly. I wipe his tears with my thumb and rest my hands on his cheeks, kissing him passionately. I mumble "I think we have to do our job now." Tony says "ugh fine" pulling my hand with him. I chuckle and say "do you guys have any family to stay with or that can take you in for the time bring till your mom gets out of rehab?" Taylor says "not that I know of no." I mumble "I can't do it. Tony I can't do it." He says "I can't either I won't be able to." Angelica says "what are you guys talking about." Finneas says "shit. Can I talk to you guys for a second" looking at me and Tony. I say "sure." We go away and Finneas says "their mom passed having a seizure a few minutes ago from the heroin and coke in her system. I checked their like file things too and they don't have any family." I say "Tony I cant give them to CPS. I really can't." Tony says "I can't either. Just can't." I say "someone's gotta tell them." Tony says "I'll do it I guess." I say "no let me do it, Tony. I'd rather them hate me then hate you" kissing him. Tony says "they're not gonna hate you." I go over to the kids and say "you might want to sit down." The sit on the sidewalk and I silently say please don't hate me. I say "your mom passed away having a seizure from the heroin and cocaine in her system the hospital is saying it's a purposeful OD. I'm sorry guys." They just stare blankly. Angelica says "she's not going to suffer up there. Our father did horrible things to her. If he didn't show up none of this would be happening." Taylor says "true. She was so pretty had a good job, bought us all the stupid stuff at the abc stores we could find, she was so nice and caring back then." Angelica says "where are we gonna go then?"

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