Mike's POV
We get to our seats and Tony says "well this is nice" in a comical voice. I shake my head chuckling. I say "you've flown before?" Tony says "yes I have." I say "to where?" Tony says "Mexico and Florida." I say "hmm. You're over 21 right?" Tony says "yes." I say "ever had a mai tai before?" Smirking. Tony says "no never drank alcohol before." I say "I will buy you your first drink in Hawaii then." Tony chuckles and says "pina coladas and mai tais? What's a mai tai?" I say "it's a Hawaiian mixed drink it's basically pineapple juice, citrus stuff, and rum. Lots of rum." Tony says "actually I turn 21 today." I say "well happy birthday!" Tony laughs and says "2nd best birthday ever." I say "what's the first?" Tony says "when I got my first guitar. I was turning 11." I say " that's fun and now you can drink mai tais with me in Hawaii. I won't get you drunk I promise." Tony chuckles and says "ok." Aloha please put your seats in an upright position and your table trays up because we are about to take off. Make sure your seatbelts are buckled. Mahalo. Then they go over the flight precautions. Tony says "aloha." I say "aloha" laughing lightly. Lady lays at our feet. Tony giggles and buries his head in my shoulder. I run my hand through his hair, kissing his head. The plane starts to take off and Tony takes my hand into his. I lace our fingers together. Tony and I switch our phones to airplane mode and Tony says "how long is this flight again?" I say "almost 7 hours." Tony says "I'm hungry." I say "welp wait till the flight attendant goes by with food."
7 hours later
I say "Tony wake up. We're about to land." Tony says "huh?" I say "we're landing in a few minutes." Tony says "it's so pretty look Mike." I look outside and I say "mmm it is. But not as pretty as you." He blushes and hides his head in my shoulder. We land, taxi to our gate, and I stand up. I say "ow legs." Tony chuckles and he stands up saying "you looked a little cramped." I say "perks of flying when you're over 6 feet. Cmon Lady." We walk out of the plane and Tony says "wow it's even hotter." I say "yeah no shit. Ok so we're getting an Uber to the hotel then we have to go to the police station." Tony says "ok." We get our bags and I say "Lady behave." She gets excited after plane rides. She follows at my side as we walk to our Uber. We start driving and Tony says "holy tourists." I say "mhm." We get to our hotel and I say "mahalo" handing our driver 20 dollars. We walk up to the reception and I say "hmm what would it be under?" I check my phone and say "is it under whiskeyhands?" The guy says "nope." I say "uhh." Tony says "Perry?" The guy says "no." I say "whiskey?" The guy says "nope." I say "did he seriously put it under my name. Fuentes?" The guy says "Mike?" I say "yes." He gives us a couple keys. I give one to Tony and the guy says "presidential suite." I mutter "shit." We get in the elevator and I say "way to keep it low key head chief." Tony chuckles and asks "why would our room be under whiskeyhands?" I say "it's my code word for like everything to get into places mainly hotels though." Tony says "interesting." I say "yup" as the elevator reaches the top floor. We go to our room and I say "now this is the room you get if you're going to have like hot sex or a huge party or something." I say "alright dog here we go" as I get my key out to open the door. Tony says "definitely more of a hot sex room then party." I say "definitely" looking around. Tony says "there's only one bed." I say "I don't mind" laying on the bed the dog jumping on next to me. The dog immediately jumps off, sniffing around. Tony lays down then cuddles up next to me saying "I like this bed." I say "me too" wrapping my arms around him. Tony says "I feel like we're moving too fast." I say "what do you mean?" He says "well we've only known each other for like not even a week and we're acting like we've been dating for years." I say "I agree with that but at the same time I feel like we should just go with it and see where it takes us." Tony says "true I think we should just go with it too. It feels wrong in my head but it feels oh so right in my heart" straddling me and kissing me. I say "before we do anything let's go to the station then I'll take you on a date. Ok?" Against his lips. Tony says "ok" kissing me again then  changing his shirt. Mmm shirtless Tony. Tony says "what're you looking at?" I say "you." He blushes putting a shirt on. I say "I feel sweaty but I don't want to get upppp." Tony says "cmon get up." I frown and say "fine." I take off my shirt and I put on a tank top. Tony says "I never knew you had so many tattoos." I say "oh there's more" winking at him. He shakes his head smiling. I take the guns outta my jacket and tuck them both into the back of my jeans and my badge in my front pocket. I say "you carrying your badge?" He nods grabbing it off the desk. We then walk to the station my dog following us on her leash. I say "holy birds!" Tony says "they like me" frowning, one landing on his shoulder. I chuckle and take my phone out, snapping a picture. We make it to the station and I say "yo Billie!" Billie says "what do you want mark!? Oh it's you!" I laugh and say "I'm back. Billie this is Tony. Have you met my dog?" Billie says "hi and you brought your dog last time and she attacked Mark." I laugh and say "oh yeah! So what do we have to do?" Billie says "you have the file right?" I say "yup." Billie says "well a couple was murdered last night. Both slit throats then tied up in a tree on the edge of the beach near your hotel. The crime scene is still pretty fresh Mark is checking it out right now." I say "we can go check it out if you want?" Billie says "please our detective here is kind of stupid we really need to fire him." I say "do it I'm sure you could find someone if not I'll find you someone." Billie says "thank you Mike." Tony and I and Lady walk to the crime scene and I say "yo Hoppus !" Mark says "yo Mike! Good to see you! Come look at this." I walk over and I look around and Tony says "whoever did this seems like they were made to do this. Like a hey if you don't do this I'll kill your family and you included." Mark says "it really seems like that."

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