♡6-The Early Morning♡

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I woke up the next morning, opening my eyes just a lil' bit. They hurt to open for some odd reason. My shoulder was also sore, probably from what had happened last night but I didn't really care anyway. I moved my head to the side and fully opened my eyes. There was warmth on my chest and extra weight.

I shook my head and figured out what it was. Dally was next to me with his arm over me. I smiled a bit then shook my head yet again. "Don't smile, that's weird." I thought to myself as I sat up.

His arm moved off of me when I moved out of the bed. Hopefully I didn't wake him up. Nope. He was still asleep. Well what do I do now?

Do I wait for him to wake up? No. He'll just ask me to go away. No not ask, force me away. He always does that.

Anyway, I grabbed my jacket and ruffled my hair to try to fix it. He left the room and went downstairs. I saw a bunch of people laying on the ground, passed out and hung over. I could hear distant puking. Gross.

I made my way out of the house, squinting my eyes at the sun. I stretched a bit, shoving my hands into my pockets and beginning to walk. Where should I go? Who knows but I want to hang out with the gang all day so I can't go home. Anywhere but my house.

Maybe everyone was awake? I had no clue what time it was. I hummed, walking to the Curtis's house. If they're all awake we can do something. Of course we would have to get everyone first, but let's check in on the main three.

I made my way to the porch, starting to knock. But I knew I didn't have to, so I just walked inside of the house. I closed the door behind me softly just in case. I saw Soda on the couch, sleeping. So, they're not all awake.

I quietly leaned agaisnt the wall, waiting. I wasn't gonna watch him sleep. After some time, the door opened with unnecessary force. I guessed I had spaced off before that cause it startled me too much, "RISE AND SHINE!"

A familiar voice said, a laugh following. It was Two-Bit with Steve. Well there's almost everybody. Soda had jolted awake, rubbing his eyes, "Hello to you too.." He mumbled, standing up and stretching, "I'll get the other two I guess."

He scratched his head before heading upstairs to get his brothers. Two-Bit and Steve didn't notice me till Steve looked over and saw my pale face. I was still a bit frightened, "Seems like we spooked him." Steve said to Two, "Sorry Johnny." He apologized before ruffling my hair, "Yeah, yeah."

I replied to him, shaking my head. I heard footsteps come back down the stairs, Darry then Pony. Pony looked at me and smiled happily. We both waved at each other. He mouthed words that took me awhile to figure out.

"Where's Dally?" He asked. I mouthed back, "Probably still sleeping." Pony nodded and sat down onto the couch. I sat down onto the floor like the night before as we all waited.

Two-Bit and Steve went inside the kitchen to steal the food, Darry and Soda were arguing about whatever, and Pony was sitting quietly on the couch. Just the usual. I rubbed my arms awkwardly, just waiting for Dally to come so we could get going. Well that wasn't the only reason. It was unusually quiet when everyone wasn't bothering each other and without Dally.

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