Part Two: Corination Day

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Coronation Day

Elsa paced back and forth in her bedroom. The same bedroom that she had hid in her entire childhood. She bit her lip. How was she supposed to keep her ice powers a secret? Sure she had the gloves her father had given her, but what if something happened and she had to take them off?
No. That wouldn't happen. It would be fine. Nothing would happen so long as Elsa had her gloves on.
"Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show." She reassured herself.
Anna lay on her stomach, still sleeping with hair strangled out in all directions as she drool onto her pillow.
"Lady Anna?" Came a gruff voice. She jostled a bit from the noise and answered drowsily,
"Mmhmm... Yes?"
"Are you ready? Your sisters Coronation is today..." Anna sat up now with a droopy smile on her face.
"Mm... Yes... My sisters Coronation..." Anna peeked her eyes open and saw her emerald green dress, propped up on a wooden manican. Her eyes bugged as they shot open wide.
"It's Coronation day..." She whispered to herself, then more aloud in great joy. "It's Coronation day!" Anna hopped from her bed and rushed out of her bedroom door. She ran down the hallway as maids began to swing open the shutters of every single window. Anna's eyes lit as she skidded into the middle of the room.
"The window is open, so's that door! I didn't know they did that anymore... Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?" Anna kept on rambling her excitment and new founds of wondrous and glorious sights. The sun shining brighter than ever, and birds singing with musical tones.
Anna run out into the bright sunlight, her wonders bright on everything. She started greeting the towns people, they answered back happily and cheerfully. Suddenly she turned a corner and bump into someone.
"Ow!" She exclaimed.
"Oh your majesty!" Said a man. A glorious man. Instantly Anna blushed and began thinking... Could he be the one? The true love she had been looking for? "I'm so sorry!"
"No that's alright. Now if it was my sister Elsa..." Anna shuddered at the thought then changed the subject. "I'm Princess Anna." She smiled brightly.
"Prince Hans of the Southern Isles..." In the distance was the sound of gong bells. Anna's eyes widened as she frantically whispered, "The Corrination... Oh I must go! Good bye Prince Hans of the Southern Isles!" And like a lightning bolt Anna dissapeared through the crowds of people toward her castle. Hans smiled slightly and sigh dreamily as the princess left him.

After dressing herself in her coronation gown, Elsa walked to her mirror to fix her hair. Looking at her reflection, Elsa noticed a familier figure standing in front of the window looking out it.
"How long have you been there?" Elsa asked brushing her hair.
"Not long." Jack replied without turning. He put on a gentle smile and came up behind Elsa. "If I may just say, you look extraordinary." He whispered, tying the strings on the back of the smooth silk dress. "Too bad others can't see me... I would have loved to say that in public." Jack softly stated a sad gleam in his eye. "I'm only known to you as your imaginary friend... You know that isn't true Elsa. I'm real. I'm like you." Jack always knew the outcome of this conversation. He knew that the stressed, almost queen, would get her anger to spiral. In a way, Jack liked to anger Elsa. Giving into her powers was better than hiding them. When she "concealed" them, it almost made things worse. Of course, Jack didn't know her past... So maybe she had good reason to be afraid of the magic she held...
"No you're not." Elsa simply replied. "You are nothing more then a fake thing I can confide to." Elsa never really understood why her imaginary friend always continued to insist he was real.
Elsa sighed. He had said himself no one else could see him. Of course no else could. Elsa was the only one who could.
Elsa carefully walked away from Jack to her bedside dresser. She opened the top drawer and pulled out her gloves. Gingerly, she slipped them onto her fingers.
The familiar feeling of the cloth on her skin gave Elsa a sense of comfort. At least with these on, no one would ever know of her secret.
Again the horrific thought of what could and would happen if her secret got out, haunted Elsa. But Elsa would prevent anyone from ever knowing. Especially Anna.
"Oh c'mon!" Jack persisted in a strangled cry. "Is this always what you do? Shut the world out cause your what... Afraid?" Jack didn't know what else to say. Elsa kept on calling him imaginary... Invisible. Even though he said it himself... It wasn't 100 percent the truth. "Wanna know something?" Jack rambled on. "You can only see me because we are the same Elsa!" By now his voice was raising. Even though Jack was aware Elsa was the only one to hear him, he flinched and lowered the loudness of himself. "The same." He repeated. "Can someone imaginary do this...?" With out a moments hesitation, Jack took his curled wooden staff and struck the window. A wall of frost encased it's frame into high design of swirls and patterns. They quickly glossed over with a silver shine and hardened to the very spot. "That wasn't you. That wasn't you losing control of yourself through me. Like every snow flake our patterns are different. Look closly Elsa!" For the first time now, Jack had lost his cool with this girl. He never had before... Maybe it was because she would be to overwhelmed with responsibility of running a whole entire kingdom and simply avoid him the rest of her days, or maybe he was afraid that the only person to see him in this world would forget he exsisted... Just throw him away! He couldn't bare the thought. For the first time... He was scared.
Elsa stared at the ice frozen on the window for a few minutes before her reply. Again she replied with a "No."
Elsa knew that he hadn't of done that. It was her herself. Still Elsa could not understand why this imaginary thing was so intent on getting his point across.
Elsa waved her hand dismissively at him and started to walk away. Elsa also could not understand why he had risen his voice at her. Jack was a friend and Elsa knew she could tell him anything even if he wasn't real.
Elsa however just wanted to avoid further confrontation.
Jack gave up. He had simply lost. This wasn't fair! None of it! Elsa simply refused to accept that he was real. He stood on his two legs and followed Elsa out the door. "Do I have your permission to attend your Corrination?" Jack asked, suddenly feeling hurt Elsa paid no attention to his compliment from earlier. He was also eager to change the subject. With out knowing it, he was leaving trails if ice in his wake.
"Yes." Elsa quietly replied. Elsa walked down the long hallway listening to hers and Jack's footsteps. Elsa did not have anywhere to be till the bells rang indicating the coronation was about to start. Elsa often liked to walk aimlessly like this. She had never walked much when she was a child. Being pinned up in that room and all. But Elsa knew that it was a necesscity to keep Anna safe despite it meant sacrificing her own happiness.
Jack walked along side Elsa quietly, deeply depressed and feeling unwanted. Then he thought of something that came to him as quite funny. "Ya know..." He started softly. "I have nothing nice to wear. Just this plain blue sweater and jeans." He chuckled softly, hearing his own voice bounce off the walls. "After all these years... I havnt changed once. I simply can't." He looked at Elsa to watch her reaction as they approached the large doors leading out into the foyer, where the gates to the castle would open. Jack wondered what the outside if this place would feel like. Ever since he had crossed into this world, he couldn't escape. The first person, being Elsa, he saw, his body was directed to do as told. The moon told him it was best. The moon told him Elsa had a great strength not to be reckoned with. But the moon also said Elsa had a great heart. Full of compassion and love, especially for Anna. This made her a soilder. A hero. Jack thought he would have to search years for this one girl, but instead spent years with her. Keeping a secret he planned to tell when the time was right. When others could see him. Until then, his lips remained sealed. Didn't mean he couldn't have a voiced opinion though, which he always did.
Elsa smilied which was a rare thing. "Well I suppose you should get dressed up as well. This is an important day." She replied, wringing her gloved hands which meant she was stressed. "What shall I get for you to wear?"
Jack thought for a moment. He honestly wasn't sure. Was it even possible for him to change from his original clothes? He smiled thoughtfully then turned to Elsa.
"No one else can see me right? So... I guess these clothes are just fine." Quick to change the subject, he added, "Looks like it's time Elsa. Open up the gates." Jack mummered, standing in front of the main entrance to the castle. "It's your time Elsa. Rule this kingdom right, and I'll be right here... To support you." Jack felt a tiny pain within him. He was going to be invisible for as long as he stayed here... It wasn't fair. Just as soon as he had been believed in by everyone else in his former world, the moon stationed him here to recruit a warrior. Almost like himself, but different. Now here he was: invisible and always dismissed by Elsa herself. But all this didn't matter. He needed to keep this girl safe, for some dark things were starting to brew.  Jack was the only one that knew.
Elsa smilied again. She knew Jack would always stay with her. Looking back at the main gates, Elsa frowned. This would be the first time the gates would be open since her and Anna's parents' passing.
Elsa took a deep breath and whispered, "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know."
And with that she pushed the front gates open.
A swarm of people had approached the castle walls and Jack bent down to Elsa's ear. "Don't be nervous. Your magic reacts to that." He softly whispered. Then floating to the side and ushering Elsa over as well the people started to greet her. Anna was among those people, but solomly slipped past with a look of doubt on her face.
"That your sister, is she?" Jack questioned openly with curiousness. "She looks quite scared... And lonley." Jack didn't wait for Elsa to respond as he followed the crowds, keeping up with Anna.
Elsa continued to wring her hands as she greeted the guests. Elsa thought about Jack's words about Anna looking scared and lonely.
Anna wasn't scared and lonely... Was she? Elsa truely did not know. But she managed to keep relatively calm though there were so many people in the foyer at this point.
Elsa however would seek out Anna after the coronation. This may be the only chance Elsa could actually talk to Anna in a somewhat normal way. Should something happen, there would at least be a lot of people to help Anna.
Elsa scanned the crowd for her sister but it seemed like she had simply disappeared.

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