The Puppeteer - Misery

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"Arghh!! No please stop!! It really hurts!!"

"Shut the fuck up!!" He catch my head and slam my face on the cement floor.. I was shock on the first two.. I cried and beg on the next... "Pl-arg!!..please urk!! Sto-hak!! So- gah!! S- arghh!!" Flashes and another flashes.. more and more blood.. stronger and stronger ...pain and another pain on the same spot ... My heart was crushed.

He stop when I finally didn't make any noise... I passed out..

I dream of my father ..

After years of nightmare about him with blurry face.. this time it was clear as I just saw his pic..and it's the worst.. in my dream everything plays out all over again, how he tied me upside down.. how he kick me in my room..I don't see her in my dream.. I don't see my mom..

"You think she'll safe you again don't you?"

His words rang in my head as I crawl away with my small body.. I wailed and cry "Daddy I love you!!.. don't do this to me...mama.."

"Stop your whining, your mother is dead" he spoke and I scream "Mama!! Mama!! Mama!!"

I can't believe she's dead.. I saw her lying on the ground filled with puddle of her blood. I crawl to her, but my father kicked me away

My body was Soo weak.. as a child a single impact could mobilize me.. I curled into myself and cry with the pain. I fear him..I fear him so much..

He come closer and pick me up by the collar of my bloody pyjama, I cried and hold his hands wanting him to release me... I know those move I hate this move the most and my father knows that. When he lifted me higher than him. I grasp his hand and sobs. I open my teary eyes to see him staring up at me with that eyes filled with anger and hatred.

I know what will happen next .. I hug his hand with my eyes begging.. "d..addy.."

And soon I felt he swing, I pressed my lids tight as my heart felt like it has been squeezed. My tears are everywhere I feel my body swing and falling.. soon it hit hard on the floor, I jumped with the impact and passed out..


..that voice rang..

..I know that voice..

"Zylen.." was my mom..

"Mom..where are you..?" It was dark , I couldn't see anything

"Zylen.." I turn my head and she is right upon me. I gasp in shock, but I hug her "mom!! I miss you!! I miss you so much!!" I felt wet then I realize my clothes has turned red with blood


I startled and look up to her. Her face was.. her face was.. rotting.. she looks like a dead corpse "m-mom..?"

She suddenly catch my neck "it was all your fault!!!" She yelled, but that voice doesn't sounds like her, there's multiple voices coming from her and it shake my heart. "Ark!!" I hold her hand

"Mom.. don't do this..nghh!" I struggle to break free, why is she hurting me?

"You insolent child!!!!" She swing something, and stab it to my chest "ah!" My eyes rolls slowly to see what happened.. my eyes are teary in pain

..she stabbed me..

"Hak..w- why..?" I croaked. And my mom look at me with that empty eye socket, she hissed "because, I hate you!!!" She pulled out the knife and let go of my neck.. I fall on my knees, holding my chest

"You impudent are nothing but a misery to me.." she spoke as she stare down to me, I lifted up my head to look at her as I gasp heavily to breath "mom.."

"Don't give me that look, shameless boy, selling your body all you like to everyone around you!!" She yelled with that scary voice. Why..why did she act like this?

"I..I miss you" I slowly hug her leg "I miss you so much.." I sobbed between her white dress "Please ..take me away from here..I don't want to be with me..please" I pressed my lids tight as I cried

And suddenly I heard children laughing

..that voice is so familiar...

I don't see anyone beside us when I look around the darkness but suddenly I felt someone wrap my neck from my back with the small arm. I was shock but happy to expect that familiar hug, I turn my head as I let go of my mom, my eyes wide..

It was Harry.. he's bleeding.. his face was crushed..

"..H-harry" I stuttered

"Zylen.. Cheryl wanted to see you"

My eyes turns wider with my trembling smile. He remove his hand from my neck and when I look towards his hand..

"She said 'hi'" I gasp, and I scream. It was her head, smiling at me filled with blood, her eyes and her mouth was sewed in a thick black thread. I tried to run. But I couldn't even stand up straight with the wound on my chest.. it's hurt just to breath. I ran away in those darkness leaving three person that I love behind.. what have I done... What have I done... What have i-

I bump into something and fall to my back. My heart thumped..

It was Mr Connel and Mrs Connel

"Have you been a good boy today Zylen?" Mrs Connel asked, I look up to her but I can't see their face, it was pitch black like someone just painted tar on their face.

I nod quickly

"No you're not, don't lie to us, you hurt Cheryl and Harry again"

I shake my head desperately, I move backwards.

"It was all your fault" they both spoke together and my heart stopped.

Suddenly I saw myself pinned on the ground and Mr Connel stab me with a shringe, I scream. But he didn't stop, he stab my eye with a scalpel "aarghhhh!!!! Stop please stop!!!!"

"I need eyes..I need eyes to fix my children" he spoke, now I see he got no eyes as he was close to me, I gasp "no stop!!" I struggle and kick him away. I crawl away with the scalpel stuck in my eyes "give me eyes, I need eyes" I turn my head to look at him as I escape. He was rubbing the floor to find me.

"Give me back my family!!!!" I heard he yelled miserably. Tears filled my eyes.. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry"

Suddenly I felt someone threw something on my face, I dropped to my side and writhe in pain.

"I'm sorry... Is it hurt?" I heard Harry spoke. I slowly get on my knees to realize he threw a stone to me.


"Let's play! I wanted to play" he demanded

"I'm sorry ..Harry" I apologized, I can't do it..

"You're tired? Why are you always tired? I want to play! Cheryl can't run anymore, it's not fun!"

Of course she can't run... She only left with her head ..

"Play with me Zylen!" He stomp his feet, "I'm really sorry Harry..." Tears filled my eyes.. what have I done.. I have killed them.. I send them to their deaths.. I'm a killer

Suddenly he's on my back and start rocking me "wee!!"

"Har-nghh!!" I dropped to the hard black surface. My body can't take it, my mom stabbed my chest. It's hurt..

"Mommy! Daddy! Zylen don't wanna play with me!"

I gasp. "No! Stop! Don't Harry!!" I struggle to run away, but he felt so heavy and my body is too weak


"I'll play with you!! Stop!! Don't call them! Please!!"

Harry laugh innocently.. that music to my ears turns to be a nightmare this time

The Puppeteer part 2 (cut and repost) Where stories live. Discover now