To The Ends of The Earth

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*keys jingling*



Brightness illuminated the petite partitioned cube. Emma walked in with a sigh, the door shutting with a large bang. She placed her keys and her small, black purse -one of the things she unwillingly inherited from her mother- on the kitchen counter.

Running a hand through her thick, wavy, raven hair, she made her way to the mahogany chair in the middle of her living room. That chair, along with a two seater couch and some pillows were the only things making up her living room. And the few lamps and candles around the room which Emma preferred using over the actual lights given in the house.

Suddenly, clouds rolled over followed by some thunder and a bolt of lightning. Within seconds, it started pouring. Emma got up, snatched a pillow from the couch and dragged the dark brown chair to the window.

She stared out the window, with her chin resting on her arms on the window pane. Soon, a rainfall started down her own cheeks as memories of her parents flooded her mind.

The memories of the day they both got into a fatal car crash and passed away replayed over and over until she started sobbing.

"You seem sad." A deep voice sounded from behind Emma. She screamed at the top of her lungs, jumping off the chair with such a speed, the chair crashed back into the wall behind her. Upon seeing the silhouette of a man standing near her kitchen, Emma grabbed the nearest lamp in her hands, prepared to toss it forward.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked. The man then leaned against the kitchen counter. "I'm not going to repeat myself. Who are you?" Ignoring her still, the man started talking again.

"Honestly I expected something a little more different from such a girl." Confused, Emma lowered the lamp a little. Her eyes squinting in confusion.

"Such a girl? Excuse me?"

"Hm, a girl that's caused so much havoc, this bringing me here myself."

Frustrated, Emma decided to fling the lamp at the unidentifiable man with full power. The lamp sourced through the air, wire and all. And it landed. Straight in the hands of the man. Well more so he caught it with his left hand.

"You've angered me now. What's the use of such violence Emmaline."

"*gasp* I've angered you? Who the hell are you? And how the hell do you know my name."

"I prefer you stop using the name of my home so often. It makes me miss it even more."

"Excuse me?" His home? Emma shook her head violently. "Listen, I don't even care who you are, just get out right now before I start screaming or call the police."

"My dear, why so angry. I'm the one who should be angry considering you threw this device at my face." He placed the lamp on the counter, before straightening up. "However, if you oh so desperately wish to know, I suppose I shall tell you."

Emma tilted her head, her hand moving towards her pocket, prepared to grip the phone in there. Just as she touched the phone, the man stepped into the light. She gasped at the sight of a face she'd just seen merely hours ago.

"You? What are you doing here. Did you follow me!?" She exclaimed, anger taking over as she strode towards him. His bright red eyes shining in the dimly lit room. She recalled him as the super good looking guy in the cafe, the one who made her feel all breathless.

His eyes seemed to widen with amusement, his lips tilting upwards into a little smirk. "I find your outburst quite amusing. Yes, as a matter of fact, I did follow you. Your name was engraved on your name tag at the cafe by the way." He said as a matter of fact.

Emma nodded, then shook her head rapidly. "Listen, I don't care how you know my name or whatever anymore. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep, so please just leave, I'm this," she paused to raise her hand and join her thumb and index finger together, "close to calling the cops on you right now."

The red-eyed man raised his arms in a surrendering position. "Ok, ok, I'm afraid I can't leave just yet. I'm here to discuss quite an important topic with you. I-"


"I would appreciate if you don't interrupt me, please. I'm Lucifer. I've been summoned to deal with an issue that's causing a lot of trouble at my house. An issue that you're responsible for." He paused to take a seat on the two seater couch.

"Who gave you the permission to sit first of all? And second, summoned? What are you, some weird non human creature?" She rolled her eyes as she said that. "And what issue of yours could I possibly be responsible for. I don't even know you!"

"You may not know me, but I know very well of you." Lucifer pointed at himself while saying 'me' and 'I', and at Emma while saying 'you'.

"I'm officially creeped out Mr. Red eyed weirdo. And if you don't get to the point about right now, I will be using something much harder than a lamp to kick you out." Emma warned, making her way to the kitchen.

" 'First of all'  it's Lucifer. Second, wow you aren't anything like what they say. I've been told about your kindness and sweetness and how friendly you are. Can't say I agree with any of that now."

"Well, Mr. Lucifer, I am nice.. to people that do not break into my house and walk around like they own the damn place." Emma said with squinted eyes. However, suddenly her face got more serious. "But.. what do you mean? Who told you about me?"

This widened the smirk on Lucifer's face. "Look at that sweetheart, now you're curious."

"It's Emmaline."

"Whatever. So sweetie, if you really must know, my people told me about you."

"What people, are you like some gang leader of sorts? Mafia?"

"No." He burst out laughing. A deep sound that suddenly made Emma feel overly uncomfortable. "I'm much much cooler -well not literally- than them."

"Listen. If you're done messing around, I'd very much appreciate you getting straight to the point now." Emma bent down underneath the counter. "Seriously. I'm not asking again." She said, reappearing with a frying pan in her hands.

"Woah woah woah, sweetie, no need to get all violent. Here's what. I'm Lucifer, ruler and lord of the underworld. I'm here because you are destroying the delicate balance that nature has taken ages to build. Your efforts to continually save lives may be appreciated by some, but not by nature itself.

"Your attempts to help people cheat death time and again is ruining the perfect harmony that's been set, and I'm here to put an end to it."

Emma's jaw dropped, before she burst out laughing. "That.. oh my god," she bent over, brushing fake tears away from her cheeks, before straightening up again. "Wow, you looked so serious while saying all that, I admit you almost got me." She continued as she placed the pan on the counter.

"Seriously, stop playing around and making up weird shit like that. Why are you actually here."

Lucifer stayed silent, watching Emma with no expression in his face. Slowly, he got up from his seat on the sofa. "Sweetheart, you wanted the truth? You got the truth. Whatever I just said, every single word was true."

Emma rolled her eyes, her hand moving for the pan again. "Alright, I'm not standing around dealing with some lunatic that wants to mess around with me. Leave, now." She said, taking a few steps closer to Lucifer.

All of a sudden, Lucifer's eyes turned black. The vibrant red and bright white of his eyes disappearing and morphing into a deep, dull black. He smiled wide, his straight set of teeth had four specific teeth pointed and slowly elongating. His sharp, pointy canines were growing in size.

Emma's eyes widened, the pot slipping from her hands and crashing onto the floor with a sonorous clang. Her breathing increased and just then, she went down to the ground.

To The Ends of The Earth (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now