To The Ends of The Earth

45 4 3

"See to table four."

"Alright." Emma walks over to her assigned table, not once looking up. Her mind running over the child who tried to take her own life just the night before. The girl she brought back here to her little cafe for a midnight pancake. The girl who left with a new outlook of life itself.

Emma can't put into words her exhaustion. Saving others whilst not being able to save ones own self does get tiring. Exhausting.

Then her eyes land on him. Short black hair, a very well defined face, chiseled jaw with a 5'o'clock shadow. Bright eyes.. red in colour? A frown painted on his stern face. He reeked of.. authority? As she approached him, her breathing seemed to get lighter and lighter.

Her eyes moved lower. Lower to his black shirt that was on so tight, she could make out every defined muscle on his arms and stomach. Her breath hitched once more. Beauty. She shook her head and sped up her pace.

Upon reaching his table, his eyes moved towards her and suddenly, he squinted. Emma almost lost her knowledge of communication using her vocal chords as he scrutinised her with a burning intensity.

"Are you ready to order." The girl watched curiously as the man's eyes widened in shock. He stared at her with such an intense glance that she almost felt him looking deep down into her soul. Suddenly, she cleared her throat bringing the man out of his daze.

"Yes. Your darkest, most bitter coffee that you have here. Make it two please." It was now Emma's turn to be overcome with shock. She felt an unknown high at the sound of his deep voice, a feeling of euphoria. A feeling of wanting to hear the voice over and over.

Oh his voice. It was also just then that she noticed the other man sitting just opposite. He himself looked like beauty personified, with sparkling green eyes and equally as dark hair, but not more than the other guy.

She simply nodded and walked away, still taking in the man she just saw. Unknowingly, she found herself gravitating towards his table before his coffee was prepared even.

"Are you sure-"

"Never been more certain. That's the one."

Emma's unconscious eavesdropping was interrupted by the faint buzz vibrating through her pocket. She rushed over to the counter to pick up the tray containing the steaming mugs of the darkest, most bitter coffee in the cafe.

Hurrying over, she gently kept the mugs down and looked back up to see two bright red eyes staring intently at her. A frown set on his face. With just a simple "enjoy" she walked away to check on another table.

"Emmaline?" Emma turned with confusion at the sound of her name. Happiness lit up her face as she stared into bright green eyes. "Oh my god, it's really you!"

Nodding, Emma dove into the arms of the man in front of her. "Jay! How have you been!"

"All good, what about you? Dude we have to hang out for old times sake!"

"Yes we do. Listen Jay, I can't talk much now, or Agatha will have my head. How about you have some coffee now, and I'll come join you in an hour for my break?" The young boy nodded eagerly and motioned for the girl to lead the way.

She led him to a small table next to the wall. Taking his order, she went back to the counter.


"Mint chocolate chip all the way!"

"*gasp* NO WAY! Emma! That literally tastes like toothpaste with a mouthful of chocolate! I say cookie dough all the wayyyy."

Rolling her eyes, Emma grabbed the cup full of the cold, minty chocolate with molten chocolate all over. "Nope! It's on me today." Jay yelled slipping over a five pound note as he himself took a hold of his cone with two scoops of cookie dough in it.

As the duo stepped out of the little ice cream shop, Jay stopped Emma while pulling out his phone. "I need a selfie outside our all time favourite shop." Giggling, Emma nodded, stepped closer to the boy and smiling bright into the phone.

"Aw, you have to send me this pic Jay, it's so cute." Emma said, smiling as she looked over the details in the picture. Her grey eyes squinted due to the wide smile on her face, black hair held back with her right hand as her left had a cup of ice cream in it.

Then her eyes moved to the boy next to her in the picture. A wide smile on his face too, his bright green eyes shining with happiness. The black beanie, which failed to conceal the thick mop of dirty blonde hair, pointed upwards due to the strong force of the wind.

Finally, she looked over the large, flickering, pink and white banner of her favourite ice cream shop, "The Dairy Fairy!" She giggles at the name of the shop. Thinking of the lovely owner of the shop, a sweet woman whose name..
is Fairy..

Blinking, she looked back up at Jay with tears slowly filling her eyes. "Sweetie, what happened?" Concerned, Jay wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close.

"I just miss you a lot Jay. Please promise me you won't go all MIA on me again." A sad frown took over Jay's face upon hearing the sadness in his friend's voice.

"I promise I'm not 'disappearing' on you again Emmy."

To The Ends of The Earth (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now