Chapter Five

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Potter Manor, Unplottable, England

September 1st, 1991

Harry waited by the fireplace, sitting on his trunk full of Hogwarts supplies, for his parents to finish smothering his twin. Charlie, his little brother, was jabbering on about how he wanted to be at Hogwarts with them. Though in all honesty, the child would prefer being with Harry as opposed to Nathaniel. Harry just chuckled at the child and consoled him. His parents were still prejudiced and caring more for their precious Nathaniel rather than caring for them all. Harry felt saddened especially because Charlie was still so young, why his parents had another child he would never know, but he would make sure that he knew that someone cared. After all, Harry didn't want Charlie to have to go through the all-encompassing neglect he had.

After saying goodbye to his brother, Charlie, Harry jumped into the fireplace and found himself a cart to put his luggage on. He followed after his parents and brother. They stood to the side talking to their friends, Franklin and Alice Longbottom. All the while, Harry simply went onto the train without saying goodbye. It would have been a futile effort anyway, considering how his parents never really paid him any attention. He found himself an empty compartment at the end of the scarlet train. He knew that the end of the train was Slytherin territory but he honestly didn't care because it meant that his brother and his adoring fans would leave him alone.

Harry heard a knock on the compartment door and it opened. There stood a tall, muscular-looking boy. He wasn't that much of a looker but he certainly look mean enough to not be messes with.

"You're a first year aren't you?" the boy said in a deep gruff voice.

"Yes. I'm Hadrian, who are you?"

"My names Marcus and I'm a 5th Year. What are you doing in my compartment?"

"Your compartment? I don't see your name anywhere?"

"You don't have to. I can decide whether or not this is my compartment and THIS is my compartment!"

"Well my uncle said I should sit here at the end of the train, so that is what I will do."

"I don't bloody care who your uncle is, this is my compartment brat, so get the fuck out of here" Marcus said grabbing on to Harry's collar and pulling him off his feet. It was then that Harry noticed that the boy was wearing Slytherin coloured school robes.

Harry smirked, "I wonder how my Uncle Sev would feel about you doing this?"

"Uncle Sev?"

"Yes. My Uncle Severus Tobias Snape: professor of potions and head of house Slytherin"

Marcus's surprise was evident on his face. He immediately dropped Harry and scowled at him, "Looks as if today is your lucky day brat. Watch yourself"

As soon as Marcus left, Harry closed and locked the compartment door, pulling the blinds down and sighing into the seat. Soon enough the train started moving. Harry looked out the window and saw the Scottish Highlands zooming past his window. He thought of what it would be like to live on those lands. To run through those hills and be away from his family. From people in general. He knew, though, that those thoughts were just that. Thoughts. He could not escape his life no matter how hard he tried. The only options open to him were either marrying a family with an Heiress who needed a husband to take her family name or to leave the Most Ancient & Noble House of Potter. Neither sounded very appealing to him.

A knock disturbed Harry from his thoughts, he unlocked the door with an Alohamora and told whoever was there to come in. A boy who looked his age came in. He had slicked-back white-blonde hair; a pale, sharp aristocratic face and steel-grey eyes. This boy was definitely familiar, after all they did share the same godfather and potions knowledge.

"There you are Harry, I was afraid I would have to go looking in the other house compartments for you" Draco said sitting down across from him.

"Come now Dray, you and I both know I would die before sitting with Gryffindors or, magic forbid it, Hufflepuffs."

They chuckled to themselves and settled into their seats for the long ride to Hogwarts. Over the course of the ride, more students joined the two friends. Sat next to Harry was Blaise Zabini, an Italian boy with dark mocha skin, black curls framing his face and violet eyes. His eyes were from his mother and it was thought they had the violet colour because of strong creature blood somewhere in their family line. Then there was Theodore Nott, who had pale skin, blue-grey eyes and a head of brown hair parted away from his face from the right. Next to Draco, sat Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Both were large, rotund mountains that rarely spoke and had bottomless pits for stomachs.

As soon as the train had stopped the group had left to find boats to ride in. Harry, Draco, Blaise and Theo were in one boat. Gregory, Vince and two girls, Pansy and Tracey, were in another. They were all overwhelmed by the sight of Hogwarts Castle in front of them. Its great walls and towers loomed over them. Light shone from the countless windows of the castle, alluding to the life and bustle that may be inside its walls. The boats stopped on docks inside a cavern on the side of the mountain Hogwarts sat on.

The Giant that had greeted them at Hogsmeade Station lead them into the castle and towards a set of giant double doors that opened and out stepped a matronly woman in green black-trimmed robes, black pointed hat and stern faced.

"Thank you for leading them here Hagrid"

"Tis my pleasure Professor McGonagall" turning to them he said, "This is where I leave ya. In the hands of Professor McGonagall, the Deputy Headmistress, Head of House Gryffindor and Professor of Transfiguration."

"Now Hagrid, no need for the praise. I have no feel for it."

The Giant left and the Professor clasped her hands in front of her and said, "Welcome students to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here is where many of you have family that attended and graduated from. Through these doors, are students who are currently attending the school and are waiting for the sorting ceremony to begin. It is the sorting ceremony that will determine what house you shall end up in. Slytherin, for the cunning; Ravenclaw, for the wise; Hufflepuff, for the loyal and Gryffindor for the Bold."

As she said this many were smiling with anticipation and fear in their eyes. They were hooked onto her every word.

"Now you will all walk in two single lines with enough space in between you to let someone walk through. Now let us go"

She turned around and waved her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2020 ⏰

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