Eavesdropping (fluff)

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Harry was following Blaise Zabini into the Slytherin car. He was so annoyed at his friends for not seeing reason- Draco Malfoy had become a death eater. He just needed some proof.

Harry was trying to climb onto the luggage thing when, for a split second, he thought he had made his pants visible through the invisibility cloak. He even thought Malfoy might've seen. But with a sigh of relief from Harry, he reverted his gaze back to his friends.

"Well, what did Slughorn want?" Malfoy asked as Zabini sat back down across from him. He was lying in Parkinson's lap as she stroked his hair, grinning like she would rather be nowhere else.

"He was just trying to make contacts, I think. It was just a bunch of people with successful family members," Zabini said while inspecting a nail. But Malfoy looked upset by this, much to Harry's delight.

"Who else was there," Draco asked, trying to sound nonchalant and failing horribly.

"Oh I don't know, a couple people. That guy who's uncle invented wolfsbane potion. People that I don't remember. Weasley's sister,"

"What the hell was she doing there?" Malfoy asked, cutting Zabini off.

"I don't know. Why do you care so much anyways?" He retorted. Draco's pale cheeks turned pink and he averted his gaze to the floor.

"I don't think he would want children of known death eaters Draco, if that's what you're on about," Parkinson said trying to hide her grin and continuing to play with his hair.

"I'm just curious is all. So, was um... the chosen one there?" Malfoy asked, making Parkinson stop her fiddling. Both her and Zabini had stopped what they were doing and were looking at Malfoy, who sat up when no one responded to him immediately.

"What? Well, what is it?!" Malfoy asked defensively and embarrassed. Zabini started to smile.

"Yeah," chuckled Zabini. "Yeah, he was there."

"Draco," Parkinson said, breaking the silence.

"Um... we've been mean to talk to you," she stopped talking when she saw the look on Malfoy's face.

"Well spit it out!"

"Your obsession with Potter has become, well um, prominent," Parkinson spoke carefully.

"Quite annoying really," Zabini said perhaps less subtly.

Harry was slightly surprised by this. Why was Malfoy talking about him?

"Fuck both of you," Malfoy said stubbornly. "It isn't any of your business what and who I choose to talk about."

"Actually you make it our business when we are the ones you are talking to." Parkinson replied coolly.

Draco looked annoyed, maybe even flustered. Harry could see that he wasn't sure what to say to this.

"Well, what would you like me to do then?" Malfoy said, exasperated.

"Either to tell us what's going on or shut the fuck up," Pansy said folding her arms.

Malfoy twiddled his thumbs aimlessly, clearly trying to avoid the question for as long as possible. His friends waited patiently.

"Well, um..." Malfoy started. "I don't know really. He's just sort of been on my mind a lot," Draco said without looking up from his thumbs.

"In what way?" Zabini said, trying to get more information. "Like, in terms of the Dark Lord thing or something else?"

"Something else. Well, yeah that too."

Zabini and Parkinson exchanged some kind of a look. This conversation was going very slowly and Harry wanted to know exactly what Malfoy thought of him.

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