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Amy's pov

"Are you okay?" Mark asked as I opened my eyes.

I looked around seeing that I am laying in his bed, but he is sitting next to me in a chair.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat up.

"Lie down; you're going to be in a lot of pain today. I am working on getting you pain meds."

Everything came back to me at once. The pain of that weapon hitting my gut over and over again. Mark shouting out for him to stop. The taste of blood as I felt the blow to my face.

"Hey Angel, everything is okay. You are safe." Mark rushed over to me, holding my hand.

"It was all a trap." I whispered, looking at the floor.

"Yeah, but we made it out."

"I was warned about this, how people we think are our friends are really not. They will hurt us the worst."

"I trusted him with my life, but soon he needed to kill me. I am so sorry for taking you there. I should have pushed you out of the car and gone alone."

"Then you would be dead right now." I looked up at him.

"I would rather be killed then forced to watch you go through that pain."

I shook my head no, "You can't leave me."

"I am right here, we got out together."

"Mark." I said quietly.

I didn't give him time to say anything, I grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to me. I crashed his lips onto mine and took control of the kiss. His hands slid down my body and cupped them underneath of me, picking me up from the bed. His lips were open just enough for me to slide my tongue in as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He pulled away slowly and said,"I have wanted to do that for a few weeks now."

"It's amazing how a near death experience can make us do things we are scared of." I giggled.

He laid me down on the bed.

"Lay with me."  I said.

"I am not going anywhere my Angel, I promise to keep you safe." His lips found my neck. "You are covered in bruises."

I curled into him and said, "Only you are allowed to call me that."

"Trust me, I will make sure that if any other person utters that name to you, tt will be the last words that leaves their lips."

"Thank you." I smiled up at him.

"You do need to lie down flat, your body is too sore."

"I feel better in your arms."

I snuggled back into him, closing my eyes.

"You are safe."

I fell asleep after a few minutes, when I woke up there was a male in the room.

"Mark, I know you're busy playing doctor but we need to talk about this. I will even double the money." I don't know this voice.

"The transaction will take place at its original date. I don't have what you want right now. If you don't like it then you can suck my ass." Mark's arm was on my back, my hair was in my face covering my identity.

"Who is this girl?"

"You don't need to know."

"Maybe I want to."

"You can want all you can, I am not that stupid. She stays out of this." There was a growl at the end of Mark's words. "Now, back to the transaction, everything will take place on our original date. You know I don't like changing dates."

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