little mix

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another request for Shannon1300

you were on a high when perrie announced her and alex were expecting a baby nevermind a baby boy. the girls threw a massive baby shower, inviting friends and close family of which you joined. you were a friend of perries, being introduced to the girls when they started in little mix. perrie always dreamed of a child and alex was the perfect one to be the father.

you were shopping when you received a phone call, looking at the screen to see perries name. initially you panicked but realised the birth date was a few weeks away and that maybe she needed company.

"Y/N i need my girlfriends around, alex is at football and my hormones are going crazy. the girls are coming right now" you listened, smiling that you were about to have a girls day in hut you also had zero plans meaning you could help perrie out if needed. you agreed, picking up some extra food before leaving.

the girls and you were just a few hours into your girls night, discussing baby names and watching baby things on youtube, when you heard a scream from the kitchen. you all ran once it hit you it was perrie that was screaming. you followed behind jesy and you make your way in, all shouting if shes okay.

you found her, laughing and touching her now massive pregnant belly. you looked at jade confused, however you crowded around when she told you the baby kicked. the first time you had felt it and the first the baby had in weeks. you watched as she ran to her phone, clearly away to call alex to let him know.

perrie was great at updates, you two texted daily, almost hourly. she let you know how the baby was or invited you to go out shopping in preparation of the baby coming. it was only natural that when alex called saying they were on route to the hospital that you had picked perries mum up aswell. you waited outside, it honestly felt like hours.

you cried when you walked it, seeing perrie holding her little boy in her arms. the girls took turns, holding him and introducing themselves. once it was your turn you held his hand softly.

"we named him shawn" she said softly. your head shot up. you forgot that you were both obsessed with it for the longest time when you were younger. now it was made a reality, you smiled through your happy tears.

"hello shawn, im y/n" you said, whispering.

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