Chapter 1

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Ash sighed as she stepped out of her car into the rain. She hated the rain, made everything seem depressed and dark. And starting a new school today didn't help how she felt either. She thought about her old school, she didn't have a lot of friends there but at least it was always sunny. She never had the time or the courage to make friends with her dad in the way. She shuddered and the thought of her dad and realized she was still standing in the rain. She ran into the warm building and started looking around to find the office when a dark-haired girl popped up and smiled at her.

"Hi! I am Veronica. You must be Ashlina." Ash groaned at that name.

"Ash is fine," she said quietly, blushing.

"I am here to help you. I have your schedule and your locker code and the number" Veronica shuffled the papers she had in her hand and handed her one. "This is your schedule. We have math, English and PE together! It's awesome. That way I can definitely help when you need me."

Ash smiled as she listened to the bubbly girl in front of her. She had never had someone look out for her before and it felt nice.

The school bell rang, bringing ash out of her daydream and thoughts.

"Crap, we are going to be late, come on"

Veronica grabbed Ash's hand and pulled her behind. Ash jumped back out of habit and yanked her hand back to her side, her eyes wide, realizing what she did. She couldn't let anyone see the bruises and Veronica had grabbed the ones on her wrist.

"I'm so sorry, I should have asked before I touched you. I wanted to be friends" Veronica stated with guilt in her eyes.

"No, I'm sorry. It won't happen again" Hopefully she thought quietly.

They entered the classroom for math. Ash was shocked at how drop-dead gorgeous the teacher was. He looked like he was in his early 20s. She looked down and blushed once she realized she was staring. He smiled at her,

"You must be Ashlina," she heard some students laughing at her name and internally sighed.

"Ash" she corrected. He nodded understanding and told her to take a seat without making her introduce herself. Ash knew she would like this teacher even though the subject, math was awful.

Ash found a spot in an empty seat in the back and pulled out her books. A note fell on her desk and looked up. Veronica was signally for her to open it.

Want to hand out tonight? Let's go to the movies

Ash had always wished that she could have a friend like this, but she couldn't risk people finding out about her home life, her father would probably kill her if she told someone.

She quickly scribbled out a response and sent it right as the teacher called on her for an answer.

Thanks for the invite but I can't.

She watched Veronica's face fall when she read but she looked at her and just nodded. Ash felt guilty and kept her head down for the rest of the class.

Veronica met her at the door, just as bubbly and made ash feel even worse.

"Ready for English?"

Ash liked English, she liked writing and felt like it was her escape. With that thought, she thought that she would be in the nerd category and didn't know why Veronica was being so nice. She nodded at Veronica, realizing she hasn't answered her.

The English teacher was a little older but still gorgeous. There has to be something in the water, everyone was so good looking, she felt dull next to anyone in this school.

The teacher had given them some free writing time and had left Ash started writing in her journal that she always carried. She felt someone tap her shoulder and looked up. A boy. Handsome of course was smiling down at her.

Hi, my name is Liam, i'm on the football team."

She said a quiet hello and ducked her head. He chuckled as he sat next to her

"You're kinda a shy one huh? I won't bite '' Liam kept trying to get her to talk to him. He was nice she guessed but she wasn't interested. After about 20 minutes, Liam finally got her to give more than 2-word answers and she was actually enjoying talking to him and had put a friendly arm on her chair when the door was shoved open and banged and 5 boys walked through laughing and ribbing each other. Her mouth almost dropped, if she thought the other boys were good looking, these 5 took the cake. She noticed once in particular that seemed to be the leader. He was tall, with black hair that you could just run your hands through and get lost in his blue eyes. Wait. what. She shook her head slightly. What was wrong with her. He would never be interested and she would never have a chance.

The leader suddenly stopped laughing and talking and started looking around at the class. He was frightening was one of the first thoughts in her head but so so hot. She whacked her head in frustration with her thoughts and looked up to find cold blue eyes staring at her.

She froze. Until Liam nudged her. As soon as he touched her, The guy started growling

She was confused about how a human could make that noise but was unable to try and figure it out because the guy was across the room sov fast she didn't have time to see him move and was holding Liam against the wall with his hand on his throat. "MINE!" he growled. Liam was gasping for air. I-I didn't know"

The guy dropped him and turned towards ash. She started moving in her seat to get away from the psycho guy who could hold a man like that with one hand.

The guy didn't seem to like that because he growled lowly and she stopped.

"Everyone out" he screamed and she was shocked to watch every student and the teacher who had walked in sometime during the confusion rush out. She tried to gather her stuff when she was picked up and suddenly slammed against the wall being pinned by a huge wall. She groaned as the wall hit her bruises. She looked up and the guy had pitch-black eyes,

Im gonna die she thought, when the man buried his face in her neck and whispered


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