When you are on your periods

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He is the helpful one.
He does all the household chores, while you curl up inside the blanket with the worst period cramps.
When on your periods, he tries to come home from work as soon as possible, to be with you and to help you feel secure and loved as much as possible.
After finishing all the duties such as cooking, dusting, watering the plants and such and such, he brings your favorite snacks, to make you feel better.


He is the confused and panicked one.
He has completely no idea of how to help you out with your constant mood swings and cramps. He starts panicking when he sees you cry or get angry at small, minor things. Despite his earnest and truest intentions to help you out, he is afraid that you might get more frustrated and angry.
"Why aren't you talking to me Georgie?", you ask after seeing him sulk, at the edge of the bed.
"Oh I just thought you might be angry.?", he literally curses himself under his breath.
"Why would I be?", you chuckle softly.
"Oh I don't know, your mood.. it always keeps on changing..  and honestly I have no idea what to do to make you feel better!"
"Could he be any cuter?", you think to yourself.
You then ask him to simply cuddle you, to which he obliges willingly and hums to you, your favorite song.


He is the confused yet calmed one.
He has no idea how the female body works but he doesn't panic much and works his way rather calmly. Whenever, you are on your periods, he rings up his mother to ask her how to help you out with your cramps.
"Mother told me that your stomach hurts on days like these? Is it true?", he asks you as he gives you, your pills.
"Well...", you sly.
You see his face twist in confusion before you break into a soft chuckle.
"Well it does hurt sometimes, but when I see your cute little smile, every single pain goes away!", you manage to break in. Those words automatically makes Ringo smile.
"Ah there it comes", you cry, giggling, blowing him a kiss on his nose. He hugs you but then pulls away instantly, because his mother told him to stay away from you, so as to not get 'turned'
"You go back to sleep! I will make you some herbal tea", he cooes after laying you on the bed, and burrito wrapping you inside the blanket.


He is the cautious one.
Since work is unavoidable, he rings you up every ten to fifteen minutes from the studio, checking up on you.
"All good? How are you feeling?", he asks.
"John (soft chuckle), that is the 21st time you are calling me from the studio. I am fine! You should concentrate on your work!", you cry when you feel a sharp ache, building up your lower abdomen.
"Ow", you cry, pressing your hand against your stomach.
"What?what?", John almost scream over the line.
"Oh fucking period cramps!", you sigh under your breath as you feel the pain subsiding.
Later in the evening, you hear John barge inside the room with a cheeky grin.
"We are going to watch your favorite movie tonight. Come on!", he cooes and helps you out of the bed and leads you into the living room. The rest of the night, you both spend time, watching your favourite movie, while eating your favorite ice cream and when you finally pass out, John carries you to your room and lays you gently on the bed, as you fall sound asleep~~~

Why is George so fucking cute???

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