Chapter 15

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Im back!

I sighed at Yessica and the fact that she was wrong. I get the whole she cant predict the Vampires futures thing but she really needs to get that chizz together. No wait. Not Vampires zombie people.

Damn it not that either. The cursed ones. My aching body pulsed and I sat on someones porch not caring whose. I only knew I was tired and everything here was to intense. It was hard to control myself here. I had to put everything away. It was making my body feel full all the time. I needed to release something or(as Kory just explained)My body would burst and everything will surface on its own accord. I didn't know anything about that. Their is no winning when it comes to me. Either use to much and my body shuts down or use it to less and my body bust.

My thoughts shifted to Stacey. I knew I could help her and her family I didn't know how to tell her all the details to the curse and such. Its hard to explain this kind of thing to them. I couldn't even understand it either.

"Hey women that dumb ass didn't listen to me. He went outside!"

I jumped at the sound of Yessicas voice."You almost got slapped."

"Hurry up and fi-Shit no! That other guy.....hes killing his little cousin."

Crap!I stood and ran threw the streets."Help me out here. Follow blood."

The birds guided me to the scene. I got there just in time.I caught my breath annoyed by the fact that that tired me out. This will be number 25 since we've been here. The eyes of the cursed watched me.I tried not to notice the blood that laced the walls. I shook that away and rushed to seize the current situation.I had to fight in my weakened state and had to do my best to immobilize him. Cuddles couldnt reach me fully but he tried his hardest.

The gate is closing for me.

I grunted. Shit. I cant finish this on my own. Kory. Where ar-

Im here. He responded.

I felt his body next to mine. The pressure that had been surrounding my body shifted so I could force my healing. The now familiar sensation coursed from me to the cursed one. His last memories of the incident played in my head. Kory grabbed my hand and kissed my neck softly. I closed my eyes a bit but forced them open.

After I was done with him I looked at the bodies on the floor. Korys warm hand ran threw my hair.

I covered  my eyes."We were to late."

"No we weren't."

I sighed and looked at the bodies again."Kory....."

"Stop."He pulled me into an embrace I knew I needed."You can handle this."

I hiccuped and turned from his arms. I had to open this gate again. It seemed almost robotic now.So depressing. Passing judgment now. I closed my eyes and reached forward from my body feeling the presence of Silent Soul.

"Ill step out."

I nodded absent mindedly at Kory as I forced myself to open the gate to my forest. Cuddles. I need your assistance here.

Yes master.

I felt the warmth and darkness of the souls that slowly drifted around me. I hate doing this. As they passed threw the gate I could feel it go threw me. It was as if they were suppose to be there and I hated that feeling. I sighed and looked at Kenny. Hes no longer cursed....but he will have to live with that for as long as he lives.

Why cant Veronica get off her lazy ass and distribute souls instead!

Kory chuckled."I already explained this to you."

Whispered Past(Book 2 of Forgotten Series)Where stories live. Discover now