01. The start of a new life

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I am are Ellie, 22, born and raised in Utah. With 2 older sisters, and divorced but loving parents. I've always lived in a small town near Salt Lake City, and I never really left. I haven't done anything exciting since the 5SOS concert in 2016. After a pretty normal high school experience I choose to start working instead of going to college. I never could afford it anyway. I started working at a small supermarket at the end of my senior year and never really left. I went to live on my own at 17 and had my nice quiet life since. I met my boyfriend Nate in my junior year, but he never really acknowledged me till two years ago. We have been dating ever since, and I've been happily living with him for about one. 

I've known my best friend Emma since the 6th grade and we've been inseparable ever since. She enjoys the same old 70 and 80s music as I do, wears the same clothing brands and dislikes the same people. Where I are a bit aggressive and bold in my behavior she is calm and positive, which makes her be an even better companion. I help her with not giving a shit and she helps me to give any shits at all. Her wonderful mother is the owner of the shop we both work in and has always been a great person to talk to.

My relationship with Nate has been really good. He asked me on a date after seeing me in the store I work at and asking me out on a date. I think we have what you might call a steady relationship, we go out for dinner mostly one night every week, I cook him food and he cleans the apartment , he gives me compliments when I get dressed up and likes to show me off to his friends. I love him a whole lot and it's been really nice always having someone to talk to, cuddle with and sometimes let my frustrations out to.

I never expected myself to be the type to forever stay in the same old town with the same people everyday and the all to familiar  roads on my way to slow agonizing death. I needed to see some of the world and do something with my life. We didn't have very much money as my mother was raising me and my two sisters mostly on her own, so we didn't go on many vacations over the years. And if we did we where mostly tourist in our own country. I don't mind it though, I like to work for my own stuff. So I've been saving up!

I haven't bought any clothes the past couple weeks, really been careful with the groceries and eating tasteless cheap food, I even stoped smoking for a few weeks but couldn't keep myself from stealing one or two from Nate. I've been thinking about taking a city trip in Europe, those aren't crazy expensive and I would be considered safe traveling on my own. I would so love to see the smallest towns, see the most unknown artist in a forgotten city and meet the most beautiful new people. 


I wake up with a small headache and rolled my legs out of the bed. I'v been up al night thinking about my travel plans and how soon I could execute them. I really want to get out of her for a while and live my life completely free and alone. I don't mind leaving Nate behind to be honest, sure I really love the guy but there hasn't been a real spark in a couple months. We haven't even had sex in a few weeks, since our work schedules work against our relationship.

I look at the clock sitting on the nightstand, 07:20 'shit, I need to get ready for work' glancing back over my shoulder I see my peacefully sleeping boyfriend drooling a little on the pillow. Chuckling I lifted myself of the mattress and looked at my reflection. I didn't like to look at my own reflection, especially with the dark circles under my eyes. 'Ugh I look like shit'

Your shared bedroom really isn't that big, but you luckily have a built in closet covered in giant mirrors a few feet from your side of the bed. There you stood in your panties, no bra but an oversized t-shirt you stole from Nate, ruffled bleached blonde hair with darker roots, tattoos covering most of your right arm and a tired look on your face. Ready for a day at work.


"Should I be telling Nate's horny ass to keep his hands off you on a Wednesday night?" Emma asked giggling while re-filling some of the product in the shelves of the store. I shook my head while trying to seem really interested in the register, ignoring the question. "Well don't tell me there is another boy in your life?" She asked with shock in her eyes although she knows I would never cheat on Nate. "No stupid, of course not I just been up thinking about.. stuff" I ended kinda quiet. " Girl I know you've been trying to save up for some kind of journey to find your innerself, but I promise there is nothing wrong with the way you are right now." I smiled kindly knowing she would give me the whole world if she could but also knowing she would be a bit lost without me.

" Yes I know Ems, I just want to see more in my normal week than my crappy apartment, the same 40 hours of work in the same shop for the last 6 years and the same people I've been seeing for 22" I tried to sound less bold and determined knowing Emma can't always take the sarcasm. I could see her body language change a little but she still nodded her head understanding. "You know I love you more than anything but I wanna see the world Ems! Maybe learn some new languages, see beautiful new places and maybe even meet some new people!" I told her excited with a big smile.

"Sure I understand what you mean, still there is nothing that defeats a friday night at the beer shack just you and me" she told proud. We have been coming in that bar for way to many years now, even when we officially couldn't drink yet and have the best nights I could remember, or couldn't remember. So many times has Emma held my hair back so I could barf all over the toilets in that old bar, and I the same for her. We've come to know the owner pretty well and get some well earned free drinks from time to time. Oh the many hours we have spend drunk as hell in that beautiful bar.

"You are completely right Emma! It has been a long time hasn't it. How about tomorrow night we pick you up at 7, we drink and get ready at my place and Nate drops us off at the beer shack around 10/11?" I know she wasn't going to say no to that question so I already wiggled my eyebrows and made a drinking motion with my hands laughing. "Of course my very dearest friend, you know I would never refuse." she replied ending her sentence with a queen like bow to me. 

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