17. Shared desires

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"Honey I'm home!"

I dropped the vegetables in the frying pan and ran towards him. Straight in his arms, my arms around his waist. He put his around my shoulders and held me tight.

"I missed you baby." He said smiling and pulled me back a little to look me in the eyes. I looked back at his and down to his lips. He did the same and closed the gap between us.

His lips moved swiftly against mine and his hands moved on my hips, pulled me closer to him. My hands went to his neck and I opened my mouth, deepening the kiss. My fingers pulling a little at his curls, as his tongue moved against mine.

I pulled back after a little, the smell of the food suddenly up my nose. "I have to look at the food" I said backing away of his grip and walked back to the pan, stirring the food quickly.

"Are you seriously cooking for me?" He asked a little shocked, looking me up and down. I let out a little pff and smiled at him. I thought he was being sarcastic.

"Of course why wouldn't I?" I asked when I saw he was honestly shocked. And added the last ingredients to the food. I kept stirring the food as he walks towards me.

"No girl has ever cooked for me, they always wanted to go to dinner or something fancy." He said moving to stand behind me, his hands on my hips. I continued stirring the food as he left kisses in my neck.

"Well I love to cooking for you, we're eating thai green curry by the way" I said taking the pan off the fire and turning it off.  "Sit, eat." I said taking his plate and putting some food on it.

"You are amazing, you know should that." He said looking at me lovingly and took a bite of the food. He moaned at the tase which made me smile.

We ate the food as he told me more tour stories and occasionally mentioning again and again that he loved the food. He made me blush and the butterflies move in my stomach every time he said it. He finished the whole pan of food telling me "he is not going to waste this delicious food and nobody but him should eat it because I made it for him, and only him." 'That man really knows how to make me feel like I'm on cloud nine.'

He went to sit and relax on the couch, honestly I think he just had a massive after-dinner dip. He opened his arms for me after laying down and yawned. "Come take a nap with me" He said smiling with tired eyes. 'Can he read minds?' I smiled and laid down in his arms, and our legs entangled. We laid spooning on the couch. With his arm under my neck I could trace the tattoos on his hands.

"I'm really happy you're back Austin." I kissed the top of his hand and moved my body closer to his. I could feel his chest rising and falling as I heard his steady breathing. "Me too" He whispered in my ear and pulled around my stomach, grabbing one of my hands and intertwining our fingers. Pulling our hands to my heart.

A comfortable silence fell over us and I heard Austins soft snores after a couple minutes. I continued looking at his tattoos, till I too fell asleep.


Flashback summer 2013

I hadn't really slept at night. Too hyped up to see Austin in next the evening. My mother and sisters planned a hike though the mountains today, and I couldn't be less exited about it.

We went on a 9 mile long hike. It was a beautiful sight to see when we got on a high point on one of the mountains. I could see miles and miles of trees and thick forrest down under me. The air was so fresh up on the mountains and the cold breeze combined with the hight we where on made me really awake and feel alive.

It was a very long hike to got through though. We had to take many breaks, mostly requested by me, for me to rub my feet. Yes I stupidly decided to wear my  worn down old skool vans on the hike. and I was never going to it ever again.  But we got home safe and sound in the bungalow around 03:15PM.

I ran to my room once my mom opened the door and went straight in my bed. I was so exhausted from the hike I slept for 3 hore hours. Till my olders sister Christy woke me up for dinner.

After dinner I sat on the bed, looking at some of my clothes layed out on the bed. 'What am I going to wear? We are just going to watch some movies.' So I wore some loose straight jeans and an adidas hoodie I stole from my sister. Which was way too big. And to finish off, the same old skool vans that hurt my feet so much from the hike today, because of course I didn't pack any other shoes for this trip.

I stood a little nervous in front of the door of Austins family bungalow, not having rang the bell yet. After taking a hot minute to knock on the door, it opened just before I was going to knock. A happy Austin stood in the doorway.

He wore some loose jeans aswell and a T shirt with an Iron man logo on it. He didn't wore shoes but stood on his socks.

"Hey El, really happy you came!" He said as he mentions for me to come inside. "Oh could you take off your shoes? My stepmom wants to keep it clean." I nodded and happily took them off, not wanting the shoes around my hurting feet anyway.

"Great, I went on a freaking hike today. And let me tell you." I said pointing at him as he smiled and let me in the living room. "It was a beautiful view, BUT I'd rather watch them on a computer screen than have to hike 9 mile hike." His eyes went wide as he heard the number of miles and laughed at me as I rubbed my feet and almost fell over.

"Sit then and let your feet rest while I get us some snacks and drinks." He said as he grabbed some things from the kitchen and came back to drop them on the coffee table. He sat down at the other end of the 3 seater couch I chose to sit on, I sat on other end. "So what movie are we going to watch first?" I said as he grabbed a small bag off the table. Tbe bag contained a bunch of downloaded and home burned dvds.

"I happen to have a pretty good collection of movies here, take a look." He said as gave me the map. I browsed through it while Austin read my facial expression at every new movie title. Giving comments on some of them aswell.
There where a couple of really good movies in there, but my eyes where already looking for the one I knew he must have in there. My face lit up as I read the title and took the dvd out its sleeve.

"This is my favourite movie ever." I said as I showed him the burned dvd. Iron man. Austin a little in disbelieve as he read the title and saw the smile on my face, seeing I wasn't kidding.

"No? Really? That's my favourite movie aswell!! You really are perfect." He said not realizing he said the last sentence out loud.

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