14. Back to normal?

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 The next morning wasn't very fun for Austin or me. He had a to leave for a small dive bar tour through the country. We watched the sunrise and I kissed him goodbye when his car came to pick him up. He hugged and gave me a long lingering kiss before telling me "I can't wait to come back and spend more time with you." giving me butterflies and making me blush.

He told me to call him whenever I needed something in or for the house, with him giving me the keys to his house, and even all of his cars. Even though I wasn't planning on driving them. He also ordered his security to guard me at anytime. I told him it was ridiculous but he insisted and promised they stay at an invisible distance, of course I couldn't refuse with him looking at me with those pretty eyes. 

He even tried to give me one of his credit cards for food and stuff but that was something I really couldn't except. It resolved in me ranting about everything he had already done for me and that giving me money was crossing the line. So he shut me up with a passionate kiss and smiled, "Okay baby what ever you want." 

The first week went by pretty slow. I stayed in the house for the fist day but I really didn't like being in such a gigantic house on my own with nothing to do. So I went back to work. 

Emma and I had a normal work week. I loved helping and chatting with the usual customers, we filled the shelfs and even cleaned the place. I told her about Austins tour and the night before on my first day back, but asked her to keep the Austin questions on the low for the time till he's returned. I just wanted a normal work week, like any other before Austin came back in my life.

Of course I was staying at his house every night, (actually I slept in his bedroom wearing his clothes.) But I tried to be there as little as possible. Not that I don't like the house but I miss Austin a whole lot as it is, and being there reminds me of him around every corner. So I ate at Emma's almost every day, and only slept at the house.

Austin and I facetimed as much as we could fit in our busy work schedules. It was really cute, he introduced me to all his friends joining of visiting his tour, me again not recognizing any of the famous ones.  He also showed me all his guitars and hotel rooms. I got so happy seeing him proud of his achievements.

While I was excited about telling him about the cute old lady who gave me a tip for grabbing something off the top shelf in the store, he got equally happy which didn't go unnoticed. When I asked him what was so great about my 5 dollar story in comparison to his thousand dollar hotel rooms, he just said he loved seeing me so greatfull. That boy knew exactly how to make my heart race.

Another boring work week was ahead of me, with Austin not coming back for another week. And on top of that,  I didn't wanna be all alone in Austin's house all weekend. So I made plans with Emma to come sleep over on the weekend, I asked Austin and he only told me to have fun. She also begged me to show her the house every time we facetimed at night, her seeing me in his bedroom of course.

She told me she had a dry mouth after dropping her jaw at every new house and new manned guard post where she had to identify herself. We had a laughfit on the driveway, as I walked her to the garage door. "Soooo... I knew Postboy had a lot of money but you didn't tell me he had such good taste." Emma said following me inside. 

 I tried to give her the best 'non invading for Austin' tour of the house, she enjoyed everything and stayed shook for most of the tour. The house didn't shock me so much anymore, for a couple of lonely nights being really bored. I had already seen most of everything Austin had in the house. I also found his very impressive and a little scary gun collection, and made sure not to show those to Emma.

She also told me she 'really really really want's to drive in one of the cars and promises on all the lives of all her houseplants she isn't going to destroy it.' I told her she really had to ask Austin himself, so we are going to call him after his show in Topeka. Even-though I secretly hope he says  no, not ready to have her to drive us off the cliff yet.

We happily plundered Austin's booze cabinet, knowing he has enough alcohol in the house to throw at least 3 house parties.  Emma put on our favorite music through the speakers in the kitchen, while I got the shot glasses out to fill with tequila. Shook ones pt.II blasting through the speakers, us both singing and rapping along. 

We went through the tequila bottle ridiculously easy and went through a small part of his white claws in the meanwhile. After playing a couple drinking games and both getting stupid drunk we decided to search in Austins bedroom for some weed, suddenly getting the great idea to throw weed in the mix. I had already found some earlier this week in the bathroom, and I wasn't even looking. I found a couple grams in the box for toothpast, not really understanding why he would keep in there, but having a great laugh non the less.

I opened the door of his bedroom for her, giving her a bow as she entered. "Entree my sweet friend." I slurred as I followed her in the room and sat on the bed near his nightstand. I hadn't looked inside of it before, not ready to cross that boundary just yet, but after the amount of alcohol I consumed, I couldn't resist. 

Of course a smith and wesson pistol layed inside of it, some more grams of weed, condoms of course and some sleeping medication, not very surprising with his 'Always tired' tattoo.  A couple polaroids in a small box as well. I quickly pushed the pistol away and grabbed the box with polaroids, closing the drawer. My head spinning as I turned it too fast, seeing Emma holding herself up on the desk looking at one of his albums hanging on the wall. 

"I can't even... burp.. read what it hears.. um I mean says El." Emma giggled pointing at the album and pushing herself up the desk, laying on in on her side.  I giggled at her words and actions, feeling the alcohol screwing with my muscles too. I fell back on the bed, laying on my back , laughing at my own actions. 

The box was a real task of itself, but I finally got it opened and grabbed a couple polaroids in my hand. I opened and closed my eyes trying to focus on the first picture. Austin playing a game with I think Swea? 'Very cute.'

I went through a couple pictures of Austin and friends, photos of the set up and the people on the couch in the back. A group of girls around him on the couch on one pic, maybe if I wasn't so drunk I could recognize the girl in the picture and connect the dots to Austin's background on his phone. But I was incredibly drunk at this point of the night. 

I put the pictures away and tried to put them back in his drawer as neat as my body allowed me. I suddenly felt a buzz beneath me and realized it came from my phone, I pulled myself up and looked at the clock on the nightstand. 03:18 AM already. 'Damn, time does really fly when you're having fun.' I totally forgot to call Austin too, after his show ended a little after 11.

"El.. you bitch stop the noise already." Emma spoke as she sturred on the desk, almost having fallen asleep on top of it. I laughed at her drunk state and fished my phone from under my butt and answered it, not really looking at the tag. 

"You know it's pretty late to call someone." I slurred a little in to the phone, smiling at my own comment. 

"I know baby, but I was scared you forgot about me." The person on the other end said with a smooth deep voice. 

"Never." I said back, immediately recognizing the voice. Feeling the butterflies return to my stomach. 

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