16. The waiting game

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Emma and I cleaned the house the next morning. I told Emma about Austins call late last night and she couldn't be happier for me. Saying "She knew deep down, that we where going to be together one day." I only laughed, and smiled to myself every time I thought back about last night. Feeling the butterflies come back to me.

The next days went by as slow as the previous one. I finally realized that my old life wasn't half as much fun without Austin around. I started missing him a lot and had more and more late night walks through his house. Having another swim in the pool, and even considering to take a drive in one of his expensive cars. I didn't though.

I was free from work today and Austin was coming back in another two days and I was thinking of making him a small homecoming gift. Austin didn't know but I really loved to cook, unfortunately the man only had beer and snacks in his kitchen. I could order most of what I needed with postmates, but needed a special ingredient from the local market. 

Emma was at work so she couldn't join me, we used to go here every weekend. I ordered an Uber and went to the market. The radio playing Austin's soothing voice as I entered the market place. Waving my hand at all the sellers I recognize, and smiling also being happy to be here. 

I browsed by the vinyl section, looking for some Frank Sinatra or some Louis Armstrong. After going through the boxes for a pretty long time, I finally found one and paid the lady behind the booth with a happy smile. 

I made my way down the rest of the market area, looking for a vegetable stand. I want to cook some Tai green curry for him, it being one of my own favorite meals. I looked around and found one in the far corner. I walked over there, feeling like some one was watching me. I tried to ignore it and asked the man behind the booth for the red pepper I needed. 

After paying, I turned around and suddenly bumped into someone. "Hey baby, I missed you." I heard the person say. I looked up and my stomach dropped, seeing Nate in front of me. His hands on my shoulder, pushing me further in the dark corner. "I knew you would come here eventually." He said moving his head closer to mine.

"No Nate, LET GO OF ME!" I shouted, slapping his hands off my shoulders and running into the crowd of people. Emma taught me some self defense moves incase this would happen. 'I have to thank her for those.' I walked so incredibly fast through al the people, and quickly found the nearest Starbucks. Walking inside, where all the cameras and people are. My fingers still shaking from the adrenaline boost, my heart racing. 

A few people looked my way but I ignored them and grabbed my phone out my bag. I dialed the number of the security guard Austin gave me and happily didn't have to wait long for him to answer. 

"Hi Miss van Kempen, how can I help you?" Asked the guard with a sweet tone. "Can you pick me up at a Starbucks? I'll send you the location." I spoke getting my breathing a little steadier, and send him my live location. I decided just to stand in the line and grab a coffee, as I probably had to wait a little for them to come get me. "Of course Miss van Kempen, I'll be there in 45 minutes." The guard said and ended the call. 

I got my coffee and sat in the corner near the window and the exit, Emma taught me that as well. I looked out the window, scanning my eyes over every face in my sight. Looking for Nate.

And that's what I did for the following hour. Quietly sipping my coffee, completely focussed on everybody and everything around me. Listening to every conversation, and counting all the birds flying by.

The security guard, (his name was Mike btw) waited by the exit for me and walked me to the car. I didn't tell him what happened. I just told him I was going to cook for Austin when he got home and Mike assured me that he would really appreciate that. He also told me some other things Austin liked. 

I told Emma about the whole situation and thanked her for everything I learned. She was really mad at herself that she let me go alone to the market, but I promised I'd take Mike with me the next time. She was happy and laughed at me, telling me "You already have personal security guards, what's next thousand dollar shoes and make up artists?" But I know she's just joking me and she is actually really happy for me.

I spend my saturday working at the shop, and facetimed with Austin at night. I didn't tell him about what happened with Nate at the market place, not wanting to ruin his good mood. I almost couldn't sleep from being so exited for Austin to come home the next day. He told me just to wait at home, as the airport would probably be swarmed with fans and too overcrowded anyway.

I woke up at 01:00PM, oversleeping from staying awake till 04:14AM. I spend my remaining five hours till Austin came home preparing. I took a nice long shower and shaved most of my body. I listened to The Jackson 5 while swaying my hips to the beat of the music. I put on some light make up, as I mostly didn't wore any. I blowdried my hair and got some nice waves in.

The music stopped and I heard the text message alert loud through the speakers. I walked back to my room in only a towel and looked at the phone. 'Austin Post' He must have landed by now. I grabbed the phone and looked at the message. 

"Hey baby, just landed! Coming home ASAP" I smiled reading it, happy to have him back soon. I quickly dressed myself in my best underwear, and the biggest T-shirt of Austin I could find. I put a black stüssy belt around my waist and pulled on my black AF1's on with long socks. Knowing Austin found that sexy as he mentioned it to Mike, and Mike of course mentioned it to me.

I was cooking dinner for the past hour. I listened to my 70s and 80s list to distract myself from the nerves of the wait, and danced my way through the kitchen. I had the chicken and onions frying and had all the vegetables already cut and ready to put in the pan. 

The music was so loud I didn't hear the front door open and close. I had just taken the rice out of the cooker and was ready to put the rest of the vegetables in the pan as I saw a person in the corner of my eye.

There he stood, in one of his usual tour outfits, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen with a giant smile on his face. His hair got a little longer, and he got two new face tattoos. I had already seen them but now they where healed they looked a lot nicer. His eyes scanning my body up and down, a smirk on his lips.

"Honey, I'm home!"

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