Prologue - How this story has begun...

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San Francisco... Such beautiful city, where lots of people are living... But you can think it is at first, since there you can see two stripes, which are blue and red. And the red one is following the blue one, at the same time shooting along with lasers. As it can be seen, it's Sonia

, the blue hedgehog, who has an incredible power to be the fastest thing alive, is running away from Ms

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, the blue hedgehog, who has an incredible power to be the fastest thing alive, is running away from Ms. Robotnik, who is also known as Eggie

, who is sitting inside of her own ship, which she is using to catch the hedgehog so she eventually could use her for her own experiments

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, who is sitting inside of her own ship, which she is using to catch the hedgehog so she eventually could use her for her own experiments. At the next moment everything looks like the time was stopped. Behind Sonia can be seen an explosion, which was left from the laser, while on the background can be seen Eggie inside of her ship, which looks just like "Big Arms". While music can be heard on the background, Sonia starts to talk:

- Lots of you are now asking, I'm sure, the next question: why such cool and beautiful hedgehog, like me, is running away - slow motion stopped working and the chasing continued - from a woman, who looks at first sight so kind, but in truth who is a crazy scientist, who wears a costume from the Civil War. Also in truth... It feels like I was running away my whole life. But it actually is true - I'm dodging the lasers, which Eggie uses to try to catch me - But for now... Let's go back to the past, at the very beginning, shall we?

Where the story truly begun...

Mobius planet. Location: Sonia's previous home.

We can see a beautiful little island. He looks so pretty. It seems like nothing bad can happen.

Green Hill Zone music is playing now

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Green Hill Zone music is playing now.

We can see a blue stripe, which is running very fast. Sonia continues to talk:

- This is my home, where I was born. This place has everything: dead loops, flowers, beautiful sea, palms. And the most best part is there's NO school. This island is pretty cool, huh? - while Sonia is telling the story, her very young version is running so fast, that not only human, but even cheetah can't be a challenge to her - Of course there was someone, who was taking care of me. - once little Sonia was inside of a house, she bounced into an owl, who was, you can say that, sleeping, but Sonia was a reason he woke up. - It's Longclaw. It was him, who was taking care of me with everything he could. He also was the one, who was telling me about my powers possibly being dangerous. That's how it was (Sonia stops talking and Flashback is starting here):

- "sigh" Sonia... - Longclaw started to talk - Someone could see you.

- Do not worry, Longclaw - Sonia answered, being still a baby. - Nobody could see me. I'm too fast. Also I wanted to give this flower as a present. - she pulled the sunflower out and held it out to Longclaw.

Longclaw couldn't not only being angry at Sonia for too long, besides she, being a baby, wanted to give him a flower -  isn't that a fact to smile? But when Longclaw wanted to take the flower, he gasped. There were echidnas outside, who were aiming at Sonia with their bows and arrows. It was easy to understand, why they are here. To understand the secret of Sonia's power. Sonia wasn't understanding, what is going on behind her and was waiting for Longclaw to take the flower, while she was smiling. But everything eventually happened like this: Longclaw fell on the floor, telling Sonia "Get down!", which sounded like an order and closed the door. Arrows were met with the door. But one of them was able to make a "contact" with the flower, which caused Sonia to gasp. Meanwhile Sonia started to talk again:

- As you all can see... I made a mistake, which caused uninvited "guests" to find us.

Longclaw was glaring at the uninvited "guests" with anger in his eyes. Echidnas were serious by their own actions. The house was surrounded by them. Several seconds later, Longclaw was flying away, having Sonia in his claws. But one of the echidnas was able to hurt Longclaw. He started to fall. Once Longclaw was on the ground, he started to talk with Sonia.

- Listen carefully, Sonia. You have such incredible power, which nobody saw before. - pulls the ring out - These rings are not ordinary rings - Longclaw was now thinking about a world, where Sonia can be safe and the portal was opened. There was nighttime in the world, where Longclaw was thinking, Sonia will be safe. - If you'll be noticed by someone, leave no matter what.

- What?! - Sonia, being a baby, asked, shocked - I can't leave without you!

- You must! - Longclaw answered back, but then saw the echidnas, who were running towards them - Run, Sonia! - Sonia is looking at him with worry in her eyes - Run away and do not look back!

Sonia, even being a baby, was running away. But she looked back, even if Longclaw told her not to. And she was able to see, that the echidnas were not too far from Longclaw now.

- Longclaw! - she started to run back, trying to save Longclaw.

- Goodbye, Sonia - were Longclaw's last words.

- No! - Sonia didn't wanted to believe that, but once she approached the big ring, it disappeared, like it wasn't here several seconds ago.

Sonia was trying to catch her breath. What just happened, she couldn't believe it. Longclaw was gone. Forever.

To be continued...

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