Chapter 5 - A better meeting, fun in the bar, escaping from it, rest in hotel

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While James and Sonia were leaving as far away as possible from the former home of James and his grandparents, Miss Stone helped Miss Robotnik get up.

- What are you planning to do now? - Stone asked the scientist woman. - We can still catch them.

- No, Miss Stone, leave them be. - Robotnik answered her assistant (Author - Can I start to call her Eggie already?). - puts the broken glasses on her face - But with the boy I will be having a special conversation, because he didn't seem to be taught that women should not be beaten - she took off her glasses and gave it to Miss Stone - Order new glasses like that. These can safely be thrown away. And yes... - before the part inside the car turned to Miss Stone - I will study this piece of wool in my laboratory (it is inside the car - A/N)

Back to our heroes...

- Okay, let's get to know each other more normally now, okay? - James asked Sonia

- As you say, Nature Lover. - Sonia answered him.

- And why do you call me Nature Lover? - James asked her, at the same time trying to follow the road - Did you come up with my nickname or what?

- But you love nature since childhood, don't you? - Sonia asked him, still looking at him.

- Okay, you won. Since childhood, I love nature. But this is not the only thing I like to get involved in. Wait a second... - a shocked expression on the face. - So you are the one who saved me from falling at night then, ten years ago?!

- Um ... Yes? - Sonia answered nervously to him.

- Well I'll be damned. - James said - For ten years I tried to find out to whom that blue "hair" belongs to, and you have been the owner of this "hair" all this time.

- This, for your information, is not "hair", but my fur. And yes, you seem to want to say your real name.

- Ah, yes, exactly. My name is James.

- I'm Sonia. - Sonia gave an answer to the guy. - And I'm a hedgehog, if you are wondering about who I am.

While they were driving, James learned from Sonia these next things: the rings, with which she arrived on Earth are some kind of portals that can be used to travel to different worlds. But now they are on the tower of one of the largest buildings in San Francisco. And she must to get them back. James, in turn, said that in addition to nature, he was always interested in what worlds exist, what creatures live there and much more.

- By the way, James, when will we come to San Francisco? - Sonia asked the guy

- In principle, if there'll be no problems during our driving straight all the time, then quickly. - answered James. - But I think that we will need to spend the night somewhere. It's already getting dark.


James parked his car next to one of the stores. But there was also a bar nearby. And there were a bunch of bikers and girls having fun, who were, quite possibly, biker lovers. James got out of the car and said to his new friend:

- You can go out.

Sonia got out of the car, but in a disguised form.

- So, I'll call one person now - James began to explain to her - You can, um... To have some fun in there - he pointed to the bar

- Maybe first of all we'll talk together with the person, with which you wanted to talk? - Sonia asked the guy. - And besides, aren't we going to end up in some kind of trouble? Yes, I want to "talk" with this scientist woman myself, but somehow I don't really like the idea of ​​a bar.

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