Chapter I

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Sweet but Psycho - Ava Max


The car slowed down in the parking lot, I glared at the driver one last time before stepping foot out on the pavement.

     "Here," I said, he took my cash quickly. "Thank you," he stuttered. I grinned and slammed the door to the SUV. He drove off almost instantly. I hadn't realized I was that scary, I mean I only just taunted him and yelled at him to hurry to my destination. That's normal, right?

     I stopped in front of the hotel and took in a deep breath. I was getting away from my abusive boyfriend for a bit. I clutched my bag and walked through the doors and was met with the lady at the front desk. She seemed busy so I waited for the woman and man to leave. I heard their conversation. It was really awkward. The guy was totally twice her age, she looked about eighteen, the man looked at least forty.

     "Yeah, sorry?" I heard the confused lady ask. The guy's hand touched the girl. Maybe they were a couple?

     "She's coming with me," the guy forced. This was really bad. I had second-hand embarrassment. These two obviously don't know each other, it's super obvious, and he's trying to get her to come into his room. The lady behind the desk looks so concerned. I kept quiet, I didn't want to interrupt this messy situation.

     Maybe it wasn't the best to eavesdrop but their room number was 124. And I'm not sure why this guy won't let her be on her own. They don't know each other!

     The brown-haired girl left for the elevator, I eyed her closely. She looked distressed. I thought it was hilarious.

     "Thank you, lady. Have a great day," said the guy, he walked to the elevator. My eyebrows widened when I met a gaze with the lady. She was terrified.

     "Did I just ruin that girl's life? She looks so young... and he's... not young," the lady sighed. "I have no idea, but if anything happens it isn't your fault. I thought she looked eighteen," I told her. Her palm rubbed her sweaty forehead. She looked tired.

     "Also, if you're trying to get any rooms, there's none open. We're booked," she complained. I nodded slowly to calm her stress. "That's okay," I smiled. "I should've booked in advance."

     "I'm sorry, ma'am," she apologized. "All is good," I grinned. I was going to head out of the building but I stopped myself, thinking where I had seen that guy that was with the girl.

     "Can you tell me that man's name? The one who left with the girl?" I asked, twisting my body back to the lady. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can. Why?" Her eyebrows narrowed. "Just in case anything... happens," I mumbled. "I'm sure things will be okay, I hope," she wished.

     I wanted to know.

     "Tell me, please. I swear, I think I know him," I admitted, creeping a bit to her desk. She swallowed and went over to her computer. She typed rapidly and seemed to search intensely. I hope to get my answer.

     "Erm, h-his name i-is Trevor... Trevor P-Philips." That's all I needed to know. I thanked her and instantly left, running to the parking lot to call a cab for the second time today.

     Trevor Philips. I knew him. I know him. I hooked up with him almost a year ago. That's when I was living on the streets and practically desperate for sex. Trevor found me one night and took me back to his place. Things got real. I didn't expect us to do it but we did, it was romance. I loved him. I thought he loved me, too.

     Thanks to memory, I know exactly where you live, Trevor. Sandy Shores, in an old, rotting trailer.

I told my driver to take me to that exact place. I know where you hide your spare key. In a bush on your front lawn. Very smart, Trevor. Very, very smart.

momma please don't cry, i will be alright | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now