How Many Times Did Heaven Cry?

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How did you manage to lay there and feel the earth trample and walk over your fragile bones?

Let your mind drift into darkness and vengeance. Even towards the ones you hold dearest, you abandon and turn a blind eye to your cold and black heart.

How many times when the pressure and heartaches get too much you talked about it?

Instead you let it eat up your soul and consume your mortality and you called it pleasure! No. You needed it for your own selfish acts of man and to remain who you are.

How many times did you reuse, refuse and recreate your body to your advantage?

Did it make sense to give up your soul for a day's enjoyment. You're made of plastic that's why when the flames of sin touched your face you screamed and begged for mercy.

How many times did mother tell you to be a good girl and listen?

You taught you knew best.

How many times did you laid silently in her lap and she slowly rubbed your hair?


My child, you are broken beyond repair. Mother cannot help you. She tried. You refused. Who's to blame?


She's goodly in heaven, peaceful and satisfy but saddened by the distress you have caused.

They all cared.


How many times did heaven cry?


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As always, thank you for reading!

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