Lights! Camera! Action!

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As the crowd gathered at the theatre
The smell of buttered popcorn squeezed the air
With couples hand in hand
Let's hope this act was worth the fare

Row by row the seats where all packed!
Silently thinking what's the author's plot
But she said nothing only the sound of
"tick tock"
As her polished nails devoured the keyboard blocks

She saw each and everyone as their eyes scrolled by
Reading the poetry written from her life
Some may believe while others will not
But know this when the poet starts to write they never stop

And when the views grew little by little
It gave her a spark that felt like a tickle
Lights! Camera! Action!
For we just gave the mouthpiece
The freedom it seeks!

A/N: Ok I'm not gonna lie, felt in love with this one while writing it😍... This is how I feel when I read psycholicious1 "Poetry Emotions"... Just so much soul.. It called out to me😂😌 and I just couldn't help but write.. I hope she likes it tho😣😣

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