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Kokichi Ouma was a young man who had a fairly happy life. However, he often got into problems because of the fact that he was a constant liar. Other than that, his life was rather decent. That was, until, he began doing something that would change his life completely: smoking.

When Kokichi was 19 years old, he was offered his first cigarrette. He took it without hesitation, then began to smoke more. This began his addiction.

Kokichi was now 21 years old. He lived with his boyfriend, Shuichi Saihara, in a small house. They both lived a happy life and had been together for two years, in which they were now engaged. However, Kokichi's smoking problem was now starting to take a toll on his boyfriend's health, which was a problem.

One day, Shuichi and Kokichi were sitting on the couch, watching the news. The only thing on the news was some virus called coronavirus, which was apparently spread by some psychopathic girl named Junko Enoshima to cause despair. As they watched the news, Shuichi began to cough violently.

"Shuichi! You don't have the coronavirus, do you?" He shrieked.

"No. It's your smoking problem."


The secondhand smoke which emitted from Kokichi's cigarettes was affecting his lungs, causing him to have asthma problems.

"Your smoking harms my lungs."

Kokichi said nothing. "Sorry, Shuichi. I'll quit."

"That's what you've been saying for the past two years."

Kokichi said nothing. He simply grabbed the remote and switched the news to Netflix.

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