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The next morning, Kokichi woke up and felt extremely ill. He ran to the bathroom to throw up, and when he got out, he sat on the couch and pouted.

"Good morning, Ba- what happened to you?!" You look so pale!" Shuichi screeched.

"Silly Shuichi. I'm always pale!"

"Well, you look sick."

"I'm alright." Kokichi replied.

"You don't look alright. Can I get you anything?"

That was all Kokichi had heard when he then fell asleep on the couch.

About an hour had passed, and he woke up with a wave of nausea once again. What was wrong with him?

There's nothing a cigarette can't handle, he thought, grabbing a pack.

He went outside and began to smoke, in order to avoid exposing his boyfriend to the toxins harming his lungs. He was lost in this thoughts. Why was he feeling so sick?


He turned around to find Shuichi behind him, staring at him with a mug of tea.

"I... I made you some tea."

"Thanks, Shu!"

He continued smoking for a while, and Shuichi left.

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