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Nine months had passed, and Kokichi was just sitting down, drinking Panta, when he had suddenly screeched. "SHUICHI! I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!"

Shuichi grabbed Kokichi and assisted him in getting in the car. He then proceeded to drive to the hospital. It didn't take too long, but after a while, they had arrived. He began to help Kokichi get out of the car and get in the hospital. Once they got inside, he got put him in a wheelchair and he started screeching. They then put him and Shuichi in a room and waited.

After a few hours, the child had arrived.

Shuichi looked at their new child. "It... It looks just like..." He paused. "Wait..."

It had big, green eyes and light green hair.

"It looks strangely like... Amami?!"

Kokichi began to sweat.

"Kokichi... Did you cheat on me?!"

There was bit of silence.

"You cheated on me with Rantaro, didn't you?"

"Shuichi, I-"


Shuichi had tears in his eyes.

"I trusted you... I thought you wouldn't lie to me anymore... but I was wrong. Kokichi, you're filled with nothing but lies!"

Kokichi's eyes welled up with tears.

"Please, I-"

"It's over." Shuichi put his hat back on and stormed out of the room.

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