Arrival of Kuroko's Sister

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  At the gym, everyone was practicing the whole lunch for their practice game against Kaijo high.......

Riko: Great job, take a 10 min. brake, afterwards clean the gym.

Everyone: Hai!!!!

Riko: And no slacking off. Especially YOU Taiga!!!!

Kagami: Eh?! Why me?????

Riko: WHY?!!!! You ALWAYS slack off!!!

Kagami: Not all the time.....(whispering)

Riko: Huh.....what???

Kagami: Uhhh...nothing!!

Riko: Okay everyo......

But before Riko could even finish her sentence, Kuroko asked her something.......

Kuroko: Um... Coach could I be excused for now, I have to go somewhere...

Hyuuga: Why Tetsuya we have a practice game later remember? (confused)

Kuroko: I know... I will be back by then.

Kagami: But where will you be going anyways????? (also confused)

Kuroko: Just somewhere. I promise I'll be right in time, so don't worry, okay? So may

Riko: Alright alright it's fine with me, but you have to go and ask for permission first to your adviser. I don't want to be the one who will be blamed by allowing you to go out and leave school with only us knowing. (in mind) even though they wouldn't notice you anyways...

Kuroko: Thanks coach!!

Riko: Mmmm..

Hyuuga: Oi coach. Why you let him leave. We need him later.

Kagami: Yeah?!!

Riko: Well he looks like he needs to be somew.... (her phone rang) wait I have to get this.. You guys clean and get some rest for a while.....

Hyuuga: Who could've called her at a time like this??

Kagami: Forget about that I'm curious to where Tetsuya has to go, I bet it's somewhere really important why else would Tetsuya leave???

Hyuuga: Now that you mentioned it , it does sound a bit suspicious...

Koganei: What are you guys keep on talking about?! (angry) help us!!!

Hyuuga: Oh right!!!

Kagami: Sorry we totally forgot about you sorry.

They collected the balls, swept the floor mopped the floor then rested for the game while...Kuroko was rushing to go to the airport looking for someone until he saw a girl with the same hair color as him and pale skin tone waving at him. Kuroko smiled and rushed over to the girl and asked....

Kuroko: We're you waiting for so long? How's your flight? How you doing?

Girl: Hey slow down ask one by one please. Well....not so long, it was great, and I'm fine. How about you


Kuroko: I'm happy to see you again Tensha.

Tensha: Come on nii-san I'm much more comfortable if you call me what you usually call me, my nickname you gave me.

Kuroko: Fine Tenten. I missed you so much. (Remembered something)

Tensha: Nande nii-san???( What is it nii-san )

Kuroko: We have to go. We have a practice game against the Kaijo high.

Tensha: Wait....Kaijo high, that's where...

Kuroko: Yeah that's where he studies, later we have a practice wanna come??

Tensha: Hai!! I do!!!

Kuroko: Yosh(good)!!! Let's go!!!

Tensha: Mmm..( very excited)

>-< >-< >-< >-< >-<  ^_^ >-< >-< >-< >-< >-<
In my mind I think this part is a bit short but at the next chapter I will make that it'll be a bit longer than this and the story will be about introducing, the game, and about what Tensha can do like his twin brother Tetsuya, I hope you like it.....

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