Long Time No See... I Missed You

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3rd person's POV

Right as Kise-kun called Tetsuya-kun. Both Tetsuya and Tensha looked his way to see home swaging enthusiasticly, which made both of them mentally and physically face palmed.

Kise: What happened?! Why d'you guys facepalmed? Something wrong?!

Tetsuya & Tensha: Nope!!! Nothing at all!!( note the sarcasm people)

Kise: Why face palm then?

Just at the time Tetsuya would tell the reason why, seems that his friend doesn't get the picture at call, Tetsuya's phone rang.... He excused himself and answered the phone, without looking at the phone to know who might have called him at this time.......


Right after I answered the phone I asked,"Who is this?" "Tetsuya its me" answered the man. I know that voice all too well to know who he is.... We've treated each other as brothers, well just us.... I was really happy that he finally called after he left to play basketball to another country for a while he didn't call me for some time know, and I really missed him, "Tetsuya are you okay?" he asked worriedly, "Uhh... Yes. I'm just fine..... Aki nii-san" I said happily. "Good.. Let's see if you will win again", Now that made me curious, how will he know if I'll win and first of all how does he know that I have a game unless..... In that thought I looked around our gym in any sign of he is.....here....

"Kurokochii whats wrong?! Who are you looking for?!" Kise-kun asked me, "Who called you nii-san?!" Tensha also asked. "I'm looking for Aki nii-san. I think his here, he called me and gave me the thought of him being here." I answered calmly and simple. Somehow I'm holding back laughter, the look in their faces are priceless. "Are you sure Kurokochii?!, Kise-kun ask. "I'm positive."

"Positive about what?", Kagami-kun asked jumping in the conversation... Later everyone came around us. I told them who called and what he is too me.

"Wow Kuroko I can't believe your gay", Kagami-kun said I grew an anime vein and calmly walked to the basket where most of our basketballs were placed. Their eyes were locked in mine, well except for Kagami, Kise and Tensha, Kagami held up his arm to protect his body from getting beaten and bruised up by Tensha, while Kise-kun was trying to stop Tensha from murdering Kagami-kun, like I was saying, I was walking to get one of the balls (A/N: That my friends... Sounded really weird, if you know what I mean exactly) in the basket, after getting one, a few seconds layer Kagami-kun groaned in pain. Probably because I purposely hit him with a basketball for calling me gay because I am very close to Aki-kun. And probably because I am too close and I happen too call in which others are too scared off. Right as before Kagami-kun would hit me for hitting him. My phone rang and again the person who called is my most precious friend--

..........Akashi Seijuro........

3rd Persons POV

When he answered the phone, he purposely put it on speaker for everyone, especially Kise-kun and Tensha-chan, can hear their conversation, well he, being the good and close brother he is with Tensha, he all too know she also missed her also, also close friend, not as close as Kise-kun, but you can call it close, and that, Kuroko also want his friend to know his childhood friend and sort of a brother to him, but he signaled them to be quiet for a while so the two of them can talk to each other first, well being respectful, maybe leave Kagami out first, they all nodded. And then Akashi began to talk to Kuroko after he greeted him.

Tetsuya: Hi!!!!

Akashi: Hi Tetsuya!! How's your practice?! And who the hell called you gay?!

Tetsuya: Uh... That would be Kagami-kun. And how did you find and know about that?! Are you really here?!

Akashi: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But I have my sissors here, tell him to get ready. Nobody I mean nobody messes with you.

Tetsuya: I think he got the massage. His already look like his going to shit himself.

Everybody took a glance over the said man, who by the way looks awfully scared. He looks like he is Frozen. Wow that was so unexpecting from the guy whose all high and mighty. We nearly forgot everything about our practice game. Well good thing we have Shinji to ruin the moment.....

Shinji: Hey guys we still have a game here......

Kise: Right!!! Tetsu-kun come on...

Tetsuya: Alright! Sei-kun call you later!!

Akashi: Okay Tetsu!!! Good luck!!!!!

At that Tetsuya hang up and went to join his teammates to get warmed up for their game.....


That is all!!!!! Hope you like it!!!!
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