An Unexpected Classmate

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Just as Tetsuya and Tensha was already on is inside the classroom. They walked to Tetsuya's sit and Tensha sat down on the vacant one beside him. As expected they were not noticed by anyone, at all. They were of course early, Tetsuya doesn't want, ever, to be late to school. So they waited for the others, by others meaning other teammates in basket ball. A few minutes of waiting, the other freshmen, (sorry I don't memorized their names yet, but I'll make sure to update myself up.), of course one was late, literally late. Guess who. That's right, Kagami. He was a few minutes late but on time for the call from the daily attendance. A few ,minutes after taking his sit, their teacher called up an unfamiliar name, later all of the students.....

Student 1: Who the....

Student 2: Did Sir just said another name?

Student 3: Beats me, he must've gone crazy!

Student 1: Who knows maybe we have a new classmate.

Student 2 & 3: It's the middle of the month.

Student 3: And I hear no one usually enrolls in a middle of a month, and from this school too if you don't ask me.

Student 1: Like what you said 'usually' and beside there's still a high possibility. And what's her name again?

Student 2: I don't quite catch it, but... I believe her sir name's Kuroko.....

Student 1: Kuroko..... Kuroko.... Kuro-, Kuroko! as in Kuroko Tetsuya? He has a sister. That invisible freak!(said in a very annoying, kind of mocking way. With his hands in the air to make it more obvious)

Over hearing their conversation, everyone heard the last name and all looked up on Tetsuya, still not noticing Tensha sitting next to him, well that's to be expected anyway. And by I mean over hearing, Tensha heard their insult to his beloved brother. With her anger she clenched her hands but then again got to control her self and let it go. Eventually......

Student 3: Yeah, you are totally right I mean no one could every notice that, I mean like, his like a stupid small fry ghost.

Student 2: Yeah I know right! That dull boring attitude and appearance, wait what am I talking about we couldn't even see him.

Everyone laughed at their insults against Tetsuya. Then Tensha got furious and looked to his brother who by the way looked not affected at all, like he was already used to it, no offence but his kind of invisible why would he care anyway right?, by that last insult, Tensha got up, very very pissed and walked right up at the three and punched, PUNCHED, their at their faces.

Tetsuya: Tensha!!!!!!!!!!

Kagami & The other two: Te-tensha?!

Tensha looked up too see the other three teammates of his brother. She smiled but didn't last long, her attention went back to the three freshmen that insulted her brother and and kept on teaching them a lesson about insulting her brother by slapping, shouting, kicking, punching and also by insulting them how they look worse from their appearance and about not looking attractive that's why their like that, that they are worse then him.

Meanwhile, whole Tensha was giving the three a lecture and their teacher was trying yo calm her down the freshmen who are at the basketball team and also those know, kind of, asked Tetsuya. Kagami start off.......

Kagami: Yo! What is she doing here and why did our teacher called her? (freaking curious)

Other two: Yeah what the?????? Is she really studying.... HERE?

Tetsuya: Yes, yes she is. (getting quite annoyed)

Kagami: But...... She is two years younger than you!!!!

Tetsuya: I know.....

Right before Tensha is going to give another kick in the balls at the third student.....the bell for recess rang, she stopped and went back to her sit, but before that she glared at the 3 students and gave them a 'say anything about my brother again and I WILL KILL YOU ALL' look, she also gave that look to everyone else and they seemed to get the picture and they all nodded at her and then she left and went to the cafeteria first leaving everybody else. Then suddenly Tetsuya ran up to her to comfort her on the way while the rest of the class are all still in shock of the unfamiliar action while some, like the teammates of Tetsuya, was still processing in their mind that the girl they met as Tetsuya's YOUNGER sister, by two years, are their new classmate. 'Unbelievable' was all they can say that day......

What do you guys think, eh??? I believe that this  chapter is very.............................. SHORT. Hehehehe I believed that some of you guys think that I was going to say 'good' or 'excellent', hehehehe, no not really. So comment what you think

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