True Brillance & Acceptance

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When the siblings got to Seirin high they immediately went to the principal's office, but Tetsuya signaled Tensha to stay out here for a while, Tensha nodded and took a sit. Tetsuya went inside, nobody noticed him but he didn't care. He was already in front of their principal and yet still hasn't been noticed by anyone until he greeted her and was shocked of a sudden appearance in front of her. He said....

Tetsuya: Good morning Ms. Karazuga.

Ms. Karazuga: Oh my!! How long have you been their!?( very shocked and curious by the boy)

Tetsuya: Just a few minutes.

Ms. Karazuga: Well I'm sorry if I haven't noticed you already lad. Anyways, what can I do for you.

Tetsuya: It's alright ma'am. I would like to enroll my sister here.

Ms. Karazuga: Well no problem.

Tetsuya: Actually there might!

Ms. Karazuga: Nonsense!! There will be none! Where is she anyways.

Tetsuya: I will get her.

Tetsuya went out to look for her sister who was sitting impatiently and nervous at the same time right at the last sit in the corner. He saw her and signaled her to come inside. Tensha nodded and stood up to come inside the principal's office to meet the principal. But then again the principal didn't notice her until Tetsuya introduced her.

Tetsuya: Ms. Karazuga this is my sister, Tensha Kuroko, and this is our principal, Ms. Karazuga.

Tensha: G-good mo-morning! (she said nervously)

The principal noticed that Tensha looks too young to already be at highschool. She asked.....

Ms. Karazuga: Dear how old are you!

Tensha: Umm.....

Tetsuya: Ah.. She's 2 years younger than me, uhh 11 to be exact.

Tetsuya knows that her sister was already too nervous to talk, so his the one who will be or might answer the next questions, if there still will be anyway.

Ms. Karazuga: Then your still at middle school, why would you enter highschool 2 years younger.

Tensha: Umm. (more nervous)

Tetsuya: It's because she had finished her studies in middle school in England.

Ms. Karazuga: Well if that's the case, it won't hurt to have a young student. But first, you should take the entrance exam.

Tensha finally found her words and accepted it..

Tensha: O-of course. But wh-when.

Ms. Karazuga: How about now, if you can.

Tensha: Yes I can!! (finally not nervous and exited cause she knows it's just like a piece of cake)

Ms. Karazuga: Perfect!! Celain take her to a quiet place and Gibbs her an entrance test paper.

Celain: Yes ma'am!! Please follow me.

Tetsuya looked at Tensha and saw her waving goodbye at him, he nodded and waved back to her. He tanked the principal for the consideration for letting her sister take the exam and a chance to get to study here. Then Tetsuya went straight to his respective classroom. And got loads of question 'why he was late', or 'why did miss the first subject', and others? didn't actually notice Jim, which is totally normal for him and to his friends getting used to it. He sat down, along with the others, and continued class.

While Tetsuya was already in class, Tensha followed Celain to a quiet room near the library and gave her the test papers. After looking and examining the the papers, she thought, 'like I thought' it is jut a piece of cake, this is so easy.  (Math) 3x-4=5x-6?, easy it's, the answer is so simple, x=0. (English) What is the most used vowel in the English language?, easy 'e'. (Science) What are the forces between molecules?, way to easy, cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, and capillary action. These test are way to easy, oh well just have to finish these I guess', she finished the exam in no time, and of course with no effort what ever. After she finished she immediately gave it to Celain and followed her again to the principal's office. After  about a half hour of waiting Celain went inside of the principal's office smiling, which made Tensha curious. When Celain gave the papers to Ms. Karazuga, Ms. Karazuga's eyes widened at what she saw. Which made tens ha's curiosity grew, that she can't take the feeling anymore, so she went and asked....

Tensha: Ms. Karazuga what's my score.

The principal just smiled at her and put the papers in her drawer, and.......

Ms. Karazuga: Looks like we have a smart youngster. I would likely to say that you are accepted in this school and you will directly go to the fitting room around the hall to go and get your uniform and take a picture as soon as possible and your books will be given to you later on, your locker is next to your brother's which locker #402, you can go now and start your classes.

Tensha: Wait... What do you mean??(curiously happy, smiling)

Ms. Karazuga: I mean your accepted, you can come and study here. You do have a 100% score in each subject.

Tensha: YES!!! (jumps from excitement) When can I start.

Ms. Karazuga: You can study now like right now if you like.

Tensha: Yes! Thank you. Good bye.

Tensha went out running to his brother. Luckily of was break time so she run inside, nobody noticed except for her brother, and jumped on him. She told everything and said that she wants to start now.


SO YEAH!!! She got in. Hoped you liked. Sorry if the chapter is too short, wait for the next update and vote follow and comment, PEACE!!! ¥_¥

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