Rematch Game?!.. With Kaijo High?! Pt. 1

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Right after recess Tensha and Tetsuya went back to the classroom finding everyone looking at them, yes everyone, scared actually. Then their next teacher went in and never said anything he just wrote on the board: MEETINGCOMINGUP, YOUMAYDO ANYTHING YOUWANT. WARNING: DOANYTHINGUNLIKELYYOUWILLCLEANANDARRANGETHEBOOKSINTHELIBRARY. DON'TBENOISY!!!! YOU'VEBEENWARNED!!!!! At this the teacher left and everyone went to their classmates, best friends to be exact, some put their headset on and played randomly and slept, while others were surfing, some were calling their friends or cousins, while Tetsuya, Tensha, :-) , Satoshi, and the other one (sorrystilldon'tknowthename, at leastIknowtheotheroneknow, hehehehe....... (,_,#)° ) went to one corner and talked.

Tetsuya: Hi!

Tensha: Yo!!

Kagami: Okay hold up!!!!!

Tensha: What?!

Satoshi: Why are you here?

Tensha: To study! What else?! (rolledhereyes)

Kagami: I mean why study in Seirin High!!! HIGH!!

Tensha: Oh that!! Because I already finished middle! Actually I can already skip 1st year and go 2nd year already in other schools!!!!

Otherone: (I believe hisnameis Koki, notjustsure): What do you mean 'other schools'?!

Tensha: Well actually, every school!!! But if I were to study in my brother's school, I would study in the same level and, only the same as my brother.

Kagami: Oh.... So that's why here and early. But still how can you study here when obviously your two years younger than us!!!!

Tensha: Umm...... Because I want to be with my brother!!!!!!

Tetsuya: Your so cute.... ( saidsmiling)

Tensha: I know!!!!

Kagami: What is this, Tetsuya do you really have a sister-complex with Tensha, and Roy Tensha have a brother-complex with him?!

Tetsuya: She's my sister!(quiteannoyed)

Tensha: And he's my brother!!!!(quiteannoyed.....again)

Kagami: Just asking!!!(usingadefendingbutsofttone.....)

Tetsuya: So...... What now?!(quitebored)

Satoshi: Umm...........

Kagami: Oh wait, Tetsuya we have a short practice and training game with the Kaijo high again but this time we're doing it here.

Tetsuya & Satoshi, andKoki(orwhatever): What!!

Tetsuya: When did you find about that?

Kagami: Earlier......

(Soright as of now....andmaybeuntilIfinishthisstory......... Iwill be putting up POV's...soyeah, Imayputsomechanges....... Butohwell, wheneverI put normalPOVorthirdperson'sPOVitwillbeasitisbefore!!! Continuing!!!!!) (n_n)

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